Monday April 9, 2018
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
I'm only going to post about once a week now that we are back to work. May I just say that I'm so happy to be back at work. Not that I didn't LOVE our time away, BUT I really do enjoy what I do, and I'm so blessed to have this job in our life together, and all that it gives to me, and us, in this our new Lifestyle.
So today was Jim's first day back. I worked a day and a half last week. I worked today too. My schedule is a little different then it was before. I work every other weekend, and every other Tuesday and Wednesdays off. Sounds funny but not really used to working 5 days in a row, all good though. So after work today we had to deal with more snow. Stayed home and had leftover chicken and yellow rice.
Tuesday April 10, 2018
Good day at work, and after we had an appointment to get our taxes
done. We talked with our tax guy about how we can do it next year so we do not have to come back so early. Came home and had some leftover, which I love.
Wednesday April 11, 2018
Today is one year since we moved into our new home which we love. We started working on the house to sell, and we went to Michigan in January to bring our new FW home. To cold to do anything with it. But I said this will be the day we move in.
Today I had off I watched my Today Show drank my coffee and relaxed, such a nice day. Washed 4 load cloths, cleaned a little and when Jim got home we grilled Tuna Steaks and green beans and a mix veggie.
I was texting Sue and Tony about them coming to our area tomorrow, so looking forward to seeing them. We met them at Lazydays in Florida. I made Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies for Sue and Tony tomorrow.
Thursday April 12, 2018
So after work, we got ready and went to Hershey Park Campground Formerly Hershey High Meadows CG, to meet up with Sue and Tony. We were never there before, was not as nice as you think "Hershey" Park CG would be. We gave them the cookies, and we all jumped in our car, which they never saw it before, we left it in Pa at my MIL house. We went to Grantville Holiday Inn. We had dinner there, Jim and I were able to line dance a little. We talked they had a live band, and we introduced them to some of our friends that were there. We were talking about casinos and we said there is one up the road, you want to go. Shortly after we talked about it we said our goodbyes and we headed to Hollywood Casino. Where Jim and I worked together and met there. It is only just up the road. You can park your RV at a casino over night. We drove around to show them the RV's and the one was people we knew that we had just seen in Florida.
We went in walked around we gave then the grand tour. We were walking through this little cluster of slots and the light were flashing and this woman said what do I do. We all walked over to her and said a guy will come, she kept saying what do I do? I don't even know how much I won, Tony looked and said 14 thousand dollars, she was freaking out, we were hugging her, she was so sweet. Her husband came over then, he was across the way someone told him you better go over there. He thanked us for taking care of her till he got there. We talked a bit, calmed her down and the attendant came, we said goodbye and left them.
Sue and Tony wanted to get cards to start gambling. We waited for them. I said here they come. The couple was walking our way, they stopped and talked with us some more. She was so cute, she said can I buy you guys a drink. So sweet, we said No didn't want it to appear in any way that we were taking advantage of them. It would have been fun to hang out. Always fun to hang out with excited happy people. We said goodbye to them again. They gambled a little. Then we left and headed back to there CG. Right across from there was an accident some tanker truck was turned over and a crane was righting it, a lot of cops and lights flashing. We got around all that and, We dropped them off and went home, got to bed at midnight and back up at 5 AM.
Friday April 13, 2018
After work, I texted Sue they were on the way home. I said I see a nap in my future She said we kept you out to late sorry. I said no way it was so fun can't wait to see them again. We really enjoyed spending time with them, such nice fun people they are.
After a shower and a quick nap, we went to a new " beer mall" we called it that opened after we left. We got some ice cream and went home each with our own special treats.
Relaxed watched TV went to bed early Have to work the weekend, Jim never almost never has to.
Tomorrow we move to TTH had to make a big decision, we were going to pay for season, or move FW every 2 or 3 weeks for free. Long story short free won. Sounds like a no brainer but it was had to decide. It many ways it would have made things a lot easier to stay put. But this will work, we will make it work, this is our life.
Saturday April 14, 2018
After I got off of work we went over to drop the van with Joe a work friend of Jim's we only can have 2 cars at a time at TTH. We had a nice visit with them.
Sunday April 15, 2018
Hershey, Pennsylvania
After work today, when I got home Jim was ready to move our home to Thousand Trails Hershey. YEA. feels like home. So good to be here even though it was cold. It was hard to pick a site, a lot open just not the area we wanted. We found a spot. I rinsed off the worst of the mud from being at QRC. I worked at setting up the inside. Put a lot of things out that I did not have out for awhile.
Monday April 16, 2018
After work Jim had a Doctor appointment all the way out in Fredericksburg. I came home relaxed a little, then started dinner. We ate when he got home. I did 3 loads of cloths.
Tuesday April 17, 2018
I had off today and washed 4 more loads of wash. I ran the vacuum. I talked with Neil and Nancy they arrived today. Every day this week cold, on the 13 and 14 was 80 plus degrees. And one day/ night heavy rain. Had a nice phone call with my brother Drew today.
Wednesday April 18, 2018
Worked today 9:30 to 5:30. Thursday worked 12 noon to 8
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Monday, April 9, 2018
Our last week-end before work reality
Saturday April 7, 2018
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
When we got up we chilled, I made smoothie. Watched my morning shows. We had pre-made salads for lunch. I had a nail appointment at 1:30, all the way out where we used to live. It took about 40 minutes to get there. Trying something different. Want to keep nails short, used gel polish have to put under light, no drying time. Last about 3 week, I hate that long drive, we will see. It was fun to talk with her and her hubby, she looks great. Have to get a picture next time. She has her shop at her house, above detached garage and his business in downstairs with computers.
When I left and when to the Redners ( food store near old house)
there is one near TTH too. Just a little food shopping alone, only need a few things. Then I filled the car up with gas. And then headed home, another long drive:( Did I ever say I don't really like to driving.
When I got home I brought everything in. Jim was not here. He sent me a text that he was helping them here put in a new water heater at QRC. I put everything away, and relaxed alone. He got home about 1 and 1/2 hours later. He took a quick shower and I cooked some zucchini and onions topped with tomato sauce and cheese. I also bought a Boston Cream Pie for dessert. We were invited to go for dinner at a good friend/co-worker of Jims. They helped us a lot with getting our house ready to sell. They are keeping some of our stuff, they have my 2 saddles. And there daughters love horses, there youngest has a lot of my horse decorations in her bedroom, I should have thought to get some pictures. So we packed up the food and went over there, they live close. They were grilling pork chops when we got there at 5:30, they had a great fire going, smells so good. Jim will be helping him soon to get our firewood for the season. We ate about 7ish and had dessert. The guys were having a few beers, so Jim stayed to finish there party of two, I went home. Watched TV and crocheted a little.
Sunday April 8, 2018
I woke up alone, made my own coffee, not to bad if I must say so. Watched my morning shows and more crocheting. I made some eggs and zucchini and onion from last night. Jim arrived after 10 AM we had a cup of coffee together. We sat around for a bit.
Then we went to the Boscov's Mall so Jim could get his pre-work hair cut. It was really long, I did like it a lot long, but I must say I do like the short cut too. I walked around looked at what ever I wanted to on my own time. Then he was finished, I pretended that I didn't even know him when he walked by. We did a lap around together and looked at some of his stuff. Here are before and after pictures of the hair cut.
Then we were ready and went for lunch. Wanted to go to Hoss's when we got there the lobby was full. So we said lets go to our favorite sub place, Bartolo's in Palmyra, it is in front of old Redners that is now a church, not sure how that works. I think it looks funny, anyway. We ate in the car, had pepsi in the car, they have coke not a fan, plus it makes it a lot less expensive meal. Then we went to the spring water place and filled our jugs again. It is very close to TTH we pulled in to look, and see if anyone was around, no one was. There was a trailer and a car in the over flow space with no one around. We just can't wait to get there. Then we drove around a little. We went home after all that.
Jim was out talking with the young guy behind us, he was doing some projects outside. Jim said the wind died down so he could grill now. He grilled chicken and I made a different kind in the oven for dinner now. The grilled chicken was for his work salads. I made more chicken and yellow rice in the Instant
Pot for dinner tomorrow. Washed up a lot of dishes and made his salad lunch for tomorrow. Watched Idol and blogged got ready for work tomorrow.
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
When we got up we chilled, I made smoothie. Watched my morning shows. We had pre-made salads for lunch. I had a nail appointment at 1:30, all the way out where we used to live. It took about 40 minutes to get there. Trying something different. Want to keep nails short, used gel polish have to put under light, no drying time. Last about 3 week, I hate that long drive, we will see. It was fun to talk with her and her hubby, she looks great. Have to get a picture next time. She has her shop at her house, above detached garage and his business in downstairs with computers.
When I left and when to the Redners ( food store near old house)
there is one near TTH too. Just a little food shopping alone, only need a few things. Then I filled the car up with gas. And then headed home, another long drive:( Did I ever say I don't really like to driving.
When I got home I brought everything in. Jim was not here. He sent me a text that he was helping them here put in a new water heater at QRC. I put everything away, and relaxed alone. He got home about 1 and 1/2 hours later. He took a quick shower and I cooked some zucchini and onions topped with tomato sauce and cheese. I also bought a Boston Cream Pie for dessert. We were invited to go for dinner at a good friend/co-worker of Jims. They helped us a lot with getting our house ready to sell. They are keeping some of our stuff, they have my 2 saddles. And there daughters love horses, there youngest has a lot of my horse decorations in her bedroom, I should have thought to get some pictures. So we packed up the food and went over there, they live close. They were grilling pork chops when we got there at 5:30, they had a great fire going, smells so good. Jim will be helping him soon to get our firewood for the season. We ate about 7ish and had dessert. The guys were having a few beers, so Jim stayed to finish there party of two, I went home. Watched TV and crocheted a little.
Sunday April 8, 2018
I woke up alone, made my own coffee, not to bad if I must say so. Watched my morning shows and more crocheting. I made some eggs and zucchini and onion from last night. Jim arrived after 10 AM we had a cup of coffee together. We sat around for a bit.
Then we went to the Boscov's Mall so Jim could get his pre-work hair cut. It was really long, I did like it a lot long, but I must say I do like the short cut too. I walked around looked at what ever I wanted to on my own time. Then he was finished, I pretended that I didn't even know him when he walked by. We did a lap around together and looked at some of his stuff. Here are before and after pictures of the hair cut.
Then we were ready and went for lunch. Wanted to go to Hoss's when we got there the lobby was full. So we said lets go to our favorite sub place, Bartolo's in Palmyra, it is in front of old Redners that is now a church, not sure how that works. I think it looks funny, anyway. We ate in the car, had pepsi in the car, they have coke not a fan, plus it makes it a lot less expensive meal. Then we went to the spring water place and filled our jugs again. It is very close to TTH we pulled in to look, and see if anyone was around, no one was. There was a trailer and a car in the over flow space with no one around. We just can't wait to get there. Then we drove around a little. We went home after all that.
Jim was out talking with the young guy behind us, he was doing some projects outside. Jim said the wind died down so he could grill now. He grilled chicken and I made a different kind in the oven for dinner now. The grilled chicken was for his work salads. I made more chicken and yellow rice in the Instant
Pot for dinner tomorrow. Washed up a lot of dishes and made his salad lunch for tomorrow. Watched Idol and blogged got ready for work tomorrow.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Stayed Home this Rainy Day
Tuesday April 3, 2018
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Just another day to stay home, more rain. Just not good here, we will not feel like home until we get back to Thousand Trails Hershey. Not much else to talk about ,Jim did grill some chicken outside in the cold and wind.
Wednesday April 4, 2018
Jim was up early today a co-worker friend picked him up this AM. He was going in to work for a few hours to learn how to use the new computer equipment. He does HVAC. They were not even ready with the items when he arrived. He did bring his work van back though.
I had a relaxing morning alone. Had coffee and he was home soon after. I was home for 2 and half days did not go out once mainly because of the weather. I went and got my hair cut, which is always a good day.
I too went into work for about 4 hours. Was really good to talk with the "boss's" I do really like them a lot, fun to talk to and very funny. Felt good to be productive again. They had a lot of questions about the lifestyle, which I tried to answer. Some people ask funny questions like, are you going to buy another house now or move to Florida. NO and NO, LOL.
I ate dinner at work, was home right before 8. The rest of the evening we just relaxed. Good day.
Thursday April 5, 2018
Went to bed between 11:30 and midnight, woke up at 4, couldn't really go back to sleep. I had to get up at 5. I was working from 6:15 till 2:15. It was a busy day at work. I was with one young girl that just had her wisdom teeth out, she was still swollen and black and blue, still having pain. So we got to work together, so the work was divided. I did go twice to help a new employee get finished in her kitchen. It was good a lot more work then what I'm used to. When I left work I went to Country View store, fun to shop there. A lot of discount items there, a lot to look at. I will take a picture next time I go in. The store is a lot closer to 1000 trails then here at the QRC. When I got back to the camper I really felt stiff all over.
I put everything away. and finally got to sit down. Then I got sleepy since I was up so early, took a few little cat naps. I heated up dinner leftover chicken and fresh cranberry sauce with apple they taste sooo good. I made quinoa with veggies and fresh green beans I just bought. I made a little beef roast and potatoes for Jim in the Instant Pot. Then took a shower washed 2 loads of wash. And called it a great work day.
Friday April 6, 2018
Well I slept well last night. Tried to fall asleep to the sound of the dryer for the last 15 minutes of the cycle, Jim likes to listen to it especially when I have the TV on.
I was up before 8 I think. Made smoothies, and around 10 I made eggs and sausage. Jim called his Mom and they decided to go to lunch together. I didn't really want to go, been wanted some time alone at home. Plus they were going to a buffet which I don't need. He left and I vacuumed the FW big job I moved everything did a good job, the water was green, from all the pollen in Florida. I had a salad for lunch with chicken and a greek yogurt. I watched a few of my shows quick, wanted to get my DVR down to 50%. Got ready and left for WalMart right before Jim got home. I pasted him on the way in.
I was able to find almost everything I could remember I wanted at WalMart. It was a nice shopping trip alone and in no rush.
When I got home Jim brought everything in, I put everything away.
We sat and watched a little news. Watched the young kid build a little deck with 4x4's to keep out of the mud. Since Jim went to the buffet he was not hungry so I heated up my leftover chicken and cranberry sauce, quinoa and green beans. I made 4 Paleo chocolate chip cookies, 2 for Jim tomorrow. I worked on this blog since I didn't do it for 4 days.
Watched TV, took a shower and started another pink baby blanket for a girl I used to work with. Nice Day temp was up to 63 today.
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Just another day to stay home, more rain. Just not good here, we will not feel like home until we get back to Thousand Trails Hershey. Not much else to talk about ,Jim did grill some chicken outside in the cold and wind.
Wednesday April 4, 2018
Jim was up early today a co-worker friend picked him up this AM. He was going in to work for a few hours to learn how to use the new computer equipment. He does HVAC. They were not even ready with the items when he arrived. He did bring his work van back though.
I had a relaxing morning alone. Had coffee and he was home soon after. I was home for 2 and half days did not go out once mainly because of the weather. I went and got my hair cut, which is always a good day.
I too went into work for about 4 hours. Was really good to talk with the "boss's" I do really like them a lot, fun to talk to and very funny. Felt good to be productive again. They had a lot of questions about the lifestyle, which I tried to answer. Some people ask funny questions like, are you going to buy another house now or move to Florida. NO and NO, LOL.
I ate dinner at work, was home right before 8. The rest of the evening we just relaxed. Good day.
Thursday April 5, 2018
Went to bed between 11:30 and midnight, woke up at 4, couldn't really go back to sleep. I had to get up at 5. I was working from 6:15 till 2:15. It was a busy day at work. I was with one young girl that just had her wisdom teeth out, she was still swollen and black and blue, still having pain. So we got to work together, so the work was divided. I did go twice to help a new employee get finished in her kitchen. It was good a lot more work then what I'm used to. When I left work I went to Country View store, fun to shop there. A lot of discount items there, a lot to look at. I will take a picture next time I go in. The store is a lot closer to 1000 trails then here at the QRC. When I got back to the camper I really felt stiff all over.
I put everything away. and finally got to sit down. Then I got sleepy since I was up so early, took a few little cat naps. I heated up dinner leftover chicken and fresh cranberry sauce with apple they taste sooo good. I made quinoa with veggies and fresh green beans I just bought. I made a little beef roast and potatoes for Jim in the Instant Pot. Then took a shower washed 2 loads of wash. And called it a great work day.
Friday April 6, 2018
Well I slept well last night. Tried to fall asleep to the sound of the dryer for the last 15 minutes of the cycle, Jim likes to listen to it especially when I have the TV on.
I was up before 8 I think. Made smoothies, and around 10 I made eggs and sausage. Jim called his Mom and they decided to go to lunch together. I didn't really want to go, been wanted some time alone at home. Plus they were going to a buffet which I don't need. He left and I vacuumed the FW big job I moved everything did a good job, the water was green, from all the pollen in Florida. I had a salad for lunch with chicken and a greek yogurt. I watched a few of my shows quick, wanted to get my DVR down to 50%. Got ready and left for WalMart right before Jim got home. I pasted him on the way in.
I was able to find almost everything I could remember I wanted at WalMart. It was a nice shopping trip alone and in no rush.
When I got home Jim brought everything in, I put everything away.
We sat and watched a little news. Watched the young kid build a little deck with 4x4's to keep out of the mud. Since Jim went to the buffet he was not hungry so I heated up my leftover chicken and cranberry sauce, quinoa and green beans. I made 4 Paleo chocolate chip cookies, 2 for Jim tomorrow. I worked on this blog since I didn't do it for 4 days.
Watched TV, took a shower and started another pink baby blanket for a girl I used to work with. Nice Day temp was up to 63 today.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Snow again in Pennsylvania
Monday April 2, 2018
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Woke up to another 4 inches of snow this AM, great. The news/weather here today, said if we get about one more inch of snow this spring, there will we more snow that fell in the spring then this winter. That's just great, well at least we missed most of it.
We had smoothies this AM. We decided to just stay in today and not go any where, we knew the snow was coming. We had leftover from yesterday. I made pierogis with ham and eggs for lunch, we had some cake I made too. I forgot to take pictures of all of it too, with everything that was going on, darn.
My boss from work texted me and said she heard we were back and wondered if I could come back a little earlier. I said sure, was not quite ready, but I want to help as much as I can, a BIG part of me really did miss my work. Jim talked to his boss too today. Getting ready to be back too.

I watched the movie Girl on The Train I had recorded, Jim was not into it. I read the book first was good, very intense. I worked on the baby blanket. I wash towels and washcloths. not much else. Just listen to snow melt off roof all day.
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Woke up to another 4 inches of snow this AM, great. The news/weather here today, said if we get about one more inch of snow this spring, there will we more snow that fell in the spring then this winter. That's just great, well at least we missed most of it.
We had smoothies this AM. We decided to just stay in today and not go any where, we knew the snow was coming. We had leftover from yesterday. I made pierogis with ham and eggs for lunch, we had some cake I made too. I forgot to take pictures of all of it too, with everything that was going on, darn.
My boss from work texted me and said she heard we were back and wondered if I could come back a little earlier. I said sure, was not quite ready, but I want to help as much as I can, a BIG part of me really did miss my work. Jim talked to his boss too today. Getting ready to be back too.

I watched the movie Girl on The Train I had recorded, Jim was not into it. I read the book first was good, very intense. I worked on the baby blanket. I wash towels and washcloths. not much else. Just listen to snow melt off roof all day.
Happy Easter
Sunday April 1, 2018
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Happy Easter to everyone. Today would have been my Mothers birthday, if she was still with us. Think of her everyday, I feel like a part of us went to Florida for her, she loved it so much too.
We had a great night with Mia, she was so fun. She was such a big help with all the Easter prep. She woke up about 6:30 and said she heard something outside, I told her it probably was the heater running and go back to bed and cover up. She did just that, Jim got up later and made coffee had the TV on she did not get up till about 8:30. I got up when I heard her. We had smoothies, she had a little. She did not drink as much as she did last time. I made her 3 blueberry pancakes, she only ate about half of that too.
I did more prep for our meal today. Jim cut the ham, I sliced the sausage and put icing on the kringler, top with sliced almond. A few more things that are probably just as boring to read about. We packed everything up in the car and left. Jim dropped Mia and I off at Thomas's house, then he went to pick up my MIL and then Travis. I had everything just about ready when they arrived. Kerri and Thomas were helping. We ate shortly after, was nice. We cleaned up. They watched a little of the Flyers game. I packed up my stuff and we all got in my MIL car. Jim left my car at her house. We dropped off Travis and Mia then my MIL. Then we went home, was nice to be back and relax, that was a lot of work.
We watched some TV. Later we had salads with a little chicken and a leftover grilled turkey burger. I had some leftover baby yarn I got in Florida and never did anything with it, was a varied blue color. I started a baby blanket. One young guy that is here just had his second child, he helped us so much the day we arrived when we were stuck. I wanted to make it for them. Worked on it for a while when TV was on, and called it a day.
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Happy Easter to everyone. Today would have been my Mothers birthday, if she was still with us. Think of her everyday, I feel like a part of us went to Florida for her, she loved it so much too.
We had a great night with Mia, she was so fun. She was such a big help with all the Easter prep. She woke up about 6:30 and said she heard something outside, I told her it probably was the heater running and go back to bed and cover up. She did just that, Jim got up later and made coffee had the TV on she did not get up till about 8:30. I got up when I heard her. We had smoothies, she had a little. She did not drink as much as she did last time. I made her 3 blueberry pancakes, she only ate about half of that too.
I did more prep for our meal today. Jim cut the ham, I sliced the sausage and put icing on the kringler, top with sliced almond. A few more things that are probably just as boring to read about. We packed everything up in the car and left. Jim dropped Mia and I off at Thomas's house, then he went to pick up my MIL and then Travis. I had everything just about ready when they arrived. Kerri and Thomas were helping. We ate shortly after, was nice. We cleaned up. They watched a little of the Flyers game. I packed up my stuff and we all got in my MIL car. Jim left my car at her house. We dropped off Travis and Mia then my MIL. Then we went home, was nice to be back and relax, that was a lot of work.
We watched some TV. Later we had salads with a little chicken and a leftover grilled turkey burger. I had some leftover baby yarn I got in Florida and never did anything with it, was a varied blue color. I started a baby blanket. One young guy that is here just had his second child, he helped us so much the day we arrived when we were stuck. I wanted to make it for them. Worked on it for a while when TV was on, and called it a day.
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Easter Prep with Grandaughter
Saturday March 31, 2018
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Jim was up first today. I made a smoothie and I had a yogurt later. We both had a few hard boiled eggs too. I washed the sheets,
we put more stuff away. Jim brought stuff in from my car to get that in order so we could use the back seat. Jim drained the holding tanks and I filled and drained both black tanks to clean them. I added a new treatment we got at Lazydays. Jim grilled some chicken for salads, I made a few we had a salad. I made a kringler for Easter tomorrow. We got ready and went to pick up Amelia AKA Mia. And Travis our youngest son. We dropped Travis at work and took Mia with us. We drove past our old house, said Hi to our former neighbor Mary, she is such a good neighbor. They got another horse and she had the flower beds looking great.
Took Mia over to Redners food shopping, I needed a few things for tomorrow yet. She had fun doing that.
We went to my MIL and had a nice visit Mia likes playing with her dog. We didn't stay to long we had a lot to do for tomorrow.
Mia and I colored 2 and half dozen eggs. We made peanut butter eggs and nut clusters. I made a cake she cracks the eggs and stirs
for me. I made the topping will put together tomorrow. We made a frozen pizza and had some chicken that Jim grilled earlier. The camper never looks the same when you have a child running around in here. She is so fun, in the car she said I missed you. So sweet. She had fun playing with Jim. She loves helping in the kitchen, she stuck with me with everything I made.
I took a break took a shower and helped her get ready for bed. Jim and I made he bed together. We tucked her in put on a kid show. I started to make a baby blanket. She was out, Jim had went up to bed and I watched the news, and went to bed myself, fun night with our little one.
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Jim was up first today. I made a smoothie and I had a yogurt later. We both had a few hard boiled eggs too. I washed the sheets,
we put more stuff away. Jim brought stuff in from my car to get that in order so we could use the back seat. Jim drained the holding tanks and I filled and drained both black tanks to clean them. I added a new treatment we got at Lazydays. Jim grilled some chicken for salads, I made a few we had a salad. I made a kringler for Easter tomorrow. We got ready and went to pick up Amelia AKA Mia. And Travis our youngest son. We dropped Travis at work and took Mia with us. We drove past our old house, said Hi to our former neighbor Mary, she is such a good neighbor. They got another horse and she had the flower beds looking great.
Took Mia over to Redners food shopping, I needed a few things for tomorrow yet. She had fun doing that.
We went to my MIL and had a nice visit Mia likes playing with her dog. We didn't stay to long we had a lot to do for tomorrow.
Mia and I colored 2 and half dozen eggs. We made peanut butter eggs and nut clusters. I made a cake she cracks the eggs and stirs

I took a break took a shower and helped her get ready for bed. Jim and I made he bed together. We tucked her in put on a kid show. I started to make a baby blanket. She was out, Jim had went up to bed and I watched the news, and went to bed myself, fun night with our little one.
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