Manheim, Pennsylvania
So after work I went to the UPS Store to get our mail then I went for Chinese food take out. We never do that and I had a very weird conversation with the lady at the check out. She asked me "No work today," I said just got off wanted to get take out and just stay home. "How old are you" What ? I didn't say "You have kids"
Yes 2 boys, " How old are they," I'm not going say so you can do math , " I'm 50, 50 I'm 50. " Ok so weird she always looks at me, very strange. I just got out of there, I just want my food, not a whole interrogation .
We ate at home early and I told Jim of my in counter with the
Chinese take out woman. He said she probably just turned 50 and wanted to compare ages, not sure if I would have told her my age she would have felt better or worse. Then we took showers. Jim made a fire and Neil and Nancy came over with there wine and we chatted for a while. Really nice evening.
Saturday June 2, 2018
Weekend off, we did our AM things of Today Show with coffee. We cleaned up some stuff and packed up some to get ready for tomorrows moving day. The rain held off until after 8, but we had another fire with Neil and Nancy.

We enjoyed our morning with coffee and a nice breakfast. Then got ready to move to Thousand Trails, Pa Dutch. We pull into the park and go in the golf cart with Ranger Pete to find a site. When we got here I remembered that I had some soup I wanted to share with Jim, we forgot, and we ate something else instead, I was so afraid it spilled in the fridge. It did not yea, the fridge was so full that not much moved. I went into the FW to check, and go to the bathroom quick. WE ONLY drove 10 miles, sheesh. So found a spot across from where we were last time, next to the people with the seasonal site that let us park on there site so we could have all 3 vehicles together, the truck, my car and the work van. nice deep site. Also sunny at the road side so all my potted plants would like it too. We got set up.

Monday June 4, 2018
I worked a different job that is 8 to 4, not my favorite, but OK. right after work I had an appointment to get my nails done, at 4:30 so I had to hurry out there. When I was finished I stopped at Redners, food store 1 mile from where our house was. Didn't go by but from the road I could see they put up a big cloths line with a pulley on a pole down thru the pasture.
When I got home I made spaghetti in the IP I read a lot of info on how people did it but I never tried it, tonight was the night. I made with turkey burger cook it a little on saute with onions and peppers. Then broke up some wheat pasta and put sauce on top and a little water. Do Not Stir. Set pressure for 5 minute and Natural Presser release 5 minutes then stir and add some cheese SOooo good you don't have to stand over it drain, you can do something else while it cooks. I will definitely do it again soon. Made salad for tomorrow, and watched a little TV before bed. Jim went first I stayed up a little longer. I have off tomorrow.
Tuesday June 5, 2018
Today I had off work and had to go to the eye doctor. I had a test of your visual field. When that was over I went to see my Aunt Sandy that just had her second knee replacement. She was not doing well and having a lot of pain yet.
Then I went to a local department store Boscov's for Bra's and night shirts I wanted. Jim said have fun shopping I said NO this is not fun. He was just glad he didn't have to go.
When I get home we grilled chicken for salads and I made a zucchini pie and I made chicken cordon bleu for dinner.
Wednesday June 6, 2018
After work we wanted to take a tour of the area, it was not very often that we were in this part of the county. I was home first I took a shower and started a turkey spinach meat loaf for one. After Jim got home and took a shower we left for our self guided tour. First we wanted to drive thru Grenta Spring. We some people in Orlando that live there. We have to give them a call. Was very nice in there. They buy houses in there and flip them. Was very interesting to hear about it. Then we went to Manheim and parked and walked a couple of block and looked around at some shops. We found this store that Nancy was telling us about. Was called Hilltop Acres Store was very nice we only really needed a few things, was fun to look around. Then we went home and Jim grilled a steak. We had the strawberries for dessert. I put vanilla pudding gram cracker and whip cream on top. Was a nice lite treat. I had the turkey spinach meat loaf. And the leftover zucchini pie. Was very nice evening.
Thursday June 7, 2018

Then Jim grilled some veggies. He had a Hockey game and watched it out side. Lovely evening.
Friday June 8, 2018
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That is my black car on right in front of GT |

Saturday and Sunday June 9 and 10, 2018
I work this weekend late 11:45 to 8 PM. this is the last one I have to do late I will be back to day shift on my weekend to work. The lady is back from medical leave, and will do it now. We will be able to do a lot now on my weekends and get some things done then. We have been wanting to go to Sam's Club and Chilis restaurant, we liked it when we went to a few in Florida.
Saturday was the first day he did not have to go anywhere or do anything. He later sat outside and had a fire. Sunday he went to his Moms and took her pizza and a salad.
Monday June 11, 2018
After work we had some leftovers for dinner Then we went to TT Circle M in Lancaster, to visit Neil and Nancy. Happy Birthday to Nancy the 10 th was her birthday. I took her a little birthday gift I got her at the Villages. In the bathroom they had coconut oil and salt hand scrub made your hands so soft. Later we went back and I got her some, good stuff. We would love to go there but just to far to go to work from there, It took us almost 45 minutes to get there. We got in there car with them and drove around a little, was quite big very nice. We did not get any pictures, didn't even think of it. They used to live in the area and there only son is there. They have an indoor and outdoor pool and hot tub. They have a creek going through and it was quite flooded with all the rain we have had. A lot of sites near the water were very wet. Kind of late when we got home, we did make it before dark, that was good. Nice night.
Tuesday June 12, 2018
I had off today to go back to the eye doctor for a cataract test. So far I'm good, have to get re tested in a year to compare. I had to have my eyes dilated, have to protect them from the light then. When that was over I called my Aunt Sandy to check on her knee she was at therapy earlier and was in a lot of pain yet. So I wished her well and headed back to the FW. I got home and chilled and shortly after my boss called and asked if I could come into work 4 to 8. So I said I would ,they are really short handed and I'm here to work now. I had to leave 40 minutes after she called. So that was the rest of my night. I texted Jim so he would know, and told him what to eat for dinner.
Wednesday June 13, 2018
After work we first went and dropped the truck off at Ford dealer to get an oil change. Then we went to Hardee's I wanted a turkey burger, the internet said they had them, when we got there they didn't. So Jim ate. Then we went to Dairy Queen got a small cone. We went to Walmart and NO pills,they need refills. and we have to call the doctors. Redner's Pharmacy used to call the Doctor for you.
Then we stopped at the new Harbor Freight that just opened in Lebanon where Sears used to be. We went in, we want to get a generator for the FW. We looked a little. Then we went to Ruby Tuesday's to get my turkey burger. The only place I know to get one. I ate we were going to go back into HF but they closed at 8, so we headed home.
Thursday June 14, 2018
At work I called on break to get pills at Redners in Palmyra. A lot closer then going to Walmart. Especially when we go back to TTH. I told her we used to get them in Fredericksburg we are not there now we need them to go to Palmyra Redners. Then I saw a message about the truck so I called Keller Bros. Ford they said some running light were out and needed a new air filter, and something about the breaks. I called Jim and told him, He said they are not inspecting it just an oil change, so he called them. I went back to work.
When I got home I take a shower right away, there was no water. It is good we had water in the tank. I turned on the pump and took a shower. I went over to the neighbor to find out what was going on. I asked if he had water he didn't even know, had to go look. He didn't, he found out someone ran over a water line. He came over later and told me it was fixed, Jim had to shower with the tank water too. When it did come back on it was very low presser. Took awhile to come up.
Before Jim came home he stopped at Redners to get pill, but not there, they went to the one in Fredericksburg instead. Oh man
We grilled some dinner outside and sat out for awhile very nice out.
Friday June 15, 2018
After work I went to Redners finally got the pills and some food shopping done. Then I met Jim at Joe's to let the van there. We move back to TTH on Sunday. Then we went to pick the truck up, We took it home and Jim took a shower I put the food away and we went and picked up his Mom and went to Hoss's for dinner. They both had fried shrimp and I had a salad.
Saturday June 16, 2018
I woke up later then I wanted to. Was in bed 11 hours. I worked 10 days in row, I guess I was tired.
We watched the Today Show and I made a good breakfast. I took a shower and we went up to the family center for a membership meeting. There was a young couple there that just got there first RV. We were looking to possible upgrade our membership to get a few more benefits. We have Elite Basic and we looking to get Ultimate Odyssey but way more expensive then we thought it would be. So we looked at Elite Connections, but don't think it makes sense to do it now. But we had a donut Jim had two and we got a TT calendar. and went home.

We sat out for awhile so nice out today. Jim talked with the neighbor guy for awhile. He started a fire, and grilled dinner. He started with onions and peppers, then green beans then some boneless ribs. So good, great job hon.
I spent a lot of time working on the blog, guess I should do it a little more often. If you read all this, thanks for reading but I'm really doing it for us, so I can remember.