Thursday, June 13, 2024

Happy Monday

Happy Monday 

Monday June 3, 2024

This morning we had breakfast and I went up to line dance for the last time the five of us will be together, here in Pennsylvania,TTH, Thousand Trails Hershey.
I danced for about an hour, 
Jim and I went to do some errands together.
 First we stopped and got our mail at The UPS Store. I ran into Chipotle's next door, got myself a chicken bowl to go. Then we went into Ruby Tuesday's. I ran in and picked up Jim's cheese steak and fries he ordered. We sat in the car and ate. 
We headed over to his mom, had a lovely visit at the house. Shannon really changed things to make it easier for her to get around.
 She has a little living space and kitchenette, in the garage, even nicer than before we left for Florida. 
We said our goodbyes,  and headed out.
Driving around Lebanon, this house is so cool, they are working on.
Would love to see the inside, I love the way it looks.
 I ran into Aldi's, our last time before we head upstate. 
Although they do have one up there. It's a bit of a drive,  but everything is upstate. Alot I think for $111.00
Stopped in Weis Market, so I could get milk. Jim filled the car up with gas.

 Then we headed home and went by Neil and Nancy's. 
Waved and said hi as we drove by.

Tuesday June 4, 2024

This morning after I made us both breakfast, I walked up to Karen's RV.
They're leaving today and I made a baby blanket for her for her newest grandbaby on the way, it's a girl. Blanket is white and peach. Lighting makes it look alittle blue, it's not.
We had a nice chat, said our goodbyes and I headed up to line dance with Paula and Carol. 
We had fun, chatted a bit more today.
Then I got home about 11:15. Jim was packing up outside. I ate more of my Chipotle bowl from yesterday. And took off to Fredericksburg, our former town we lived in, half hour away. 
I vacuumed out the Smart car, then I Had to go to Bell & Evans Chicken store to stock up.
Wanted to drive past our old house. They were taking the farm house down on the end of our road.
 I used to get hay there. They took the barn down already.
So strange, so glad we sold it when we did.
This is the house on Chestnut Hill Road. 
Looks like they put in new steps.
I saw the inside last year. Bet they finished the rest of the remodeling inside. Which was the 3 bathrooms we did. Only surfaces that the hadn't touched yet, last year.

After I drove past, really wanted to go into Redner's, our Grocery store really close. Not enough time. 
Can't believe I didn't get there yet. Spent alot of time at the hospital and Rehab facility with his Mom.

Next went to Jonestown and stopped by favorite pizza place.
This is what I purchased, enough for today and tomorrow. Actually lasted longer. LOL
The top 2 are ham and cheese paninis, white broccoli pizza and one thick Sicilian slice.
Then headed home put all the chicken in the freezer out front. Not bad for $91.
Then we ate and got ready to go to Grantville Winner's Circle Saloon to line dance, lessons start at 7.
Couple with baby, above and a small toddler, there til after 10 pm, kinda shocked us all.
Shirlene only one available tonight.
There was a birthday in the house. Everyone had red velvet cake and ice cream,, well Jim did..
Line dancing with my forever cowboy.
Always great hanging out with her.
Arrived home after, 10:30 pm.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Mary Kay Weekend, HOME Alone

Mary Kay Weekend, HOME Alone

Friday May 31, 2024
This morning we got up and had breakfast together. I went to line dance at 10:00 with my Orlando friends, that are from PA too. 
I came back just after 11:00.
 I washed my hair and started to vacuum, finally. 
I made cream of broccoli soup for part of our lunch.
 Neil and Nancy just arrived today, so I offered her some on their arrival. She said that would be lovely, so Jim took some over in the golf cart. Then he went fishing, while I finished working on my projects I started.

 Later after dinner we went over together to Neil and Nancy's, to say hi, and to catch up. Alot going on. 

 I saw a Mary Kay pink Cadillac go by, SO exciting. I sold it for 15 years, back in the day. Jim and I just got together.
 I went out to make sure they saw me and waved like crazy. Wasn't sure if they saw me or not. 
Don't worry I will find her and say hi. Lol
Later we went home had dinner. Jim was invited over to his friends Byron that bought my Ford Escape. We all still call it my car, they do too.
 This is Betsy, there neighbor and I used to work with her, at the nursing home.
They were going to have a guys weekend and chop firewood and have a campfire Etc. 
More fun for Jim
So Jim left and I was home alone. Watched shows, I wanted to see, and a lot of YouTube.

Saturday June 1, 2024

This morning I had a lovely quiet morning enjoying my coffee home alone. 
I wanted to do a big walk around the campground. We had found the Mary Kay lady before Jim left last night. 
So I went out to start my walk and Linda was having a yard sale next door. She had yarn, which I said I'll take that. Bathing suit tops, that are brand new with tags. Took all five and said I'll try them on first. She had a few other things too, but we had a lovely chat for probably 40 minutes at least. She's my Cosmo buddy. 
Then she got in trouble because you're not supposed to have a yard sales here. Although you can do it at a lot of other Thousand Trails. So I ran everything back to the camper.

 Then I finally did my big walk on every road here, which took about an hour. Then I stopped at the pink Cadillac, they literally are right behind us here,  to say hi. She was still sitting out with one other lady. 
I stopped and introduced myself and I just basically had a question about getting my compacts that broke replaced.
 Long story short, we chatted and I decided to become a Mary Kay Beauty consultant again, and take my business full time on the road. I'm so excited to sell Mary Kay again. 
Of course everything is different since covid and so much is done online. I'm hoping I can get Jim too help me with a big part of that. He will be a great business partner.
They were lovely and I was introduced to a lot of different ladies on the team. Her name is Joni Cool, and she is earning her third Cadillac this month.
This shirt she designed with her Dad.
 They invited me for lunch but I declined. Wanted to go home and spend a little time alone. I officially signed up, but had to go back to have them help me finish. Technology :/
Went back home again had lunch and finally made my instant pot date cake, I've been wanting to make it for a while and use up my dates I had in the freezer. 
It turned out to be a lovely texture for a instant pot cake. 
Then later I started crocheting a baby blanket with the yarn I got from Linda. Karen the one lady who line dances here is having another grandbaby and they're having a shower in Lancaster for her today. Hope I can finish it before she leaves on Tuesday. 
I stopped on my walk and said hi to them.

Then I had dinner and they invited me back to the fire
 they were having a lovely meal together.
 I visited for a while and they shared food with me which I brought home  since I already ate. What an exciting day.
This was the post she put on her Facebook page.

 Sunday June 2, 2024

I was up pretty early today especially since I was home alone. 
After breakfast I got ready and left about 9:30 to do a big walk before Jim got home. I was about halfway finished and I passed him on the way in. He was going home to make breakfast and take a shower. I said I was almost done. 
Later when I arrived we had a nice chat about Mary Kay. 
We had lunch together from the food they provided last night. 
 I took him over to introduce Jim to Joni. She was packing up to leave soon.
But now I was really hungry and we decided to go get a sub at Bartolo's, plus it was 5:00 by now. We arrived and didn't realize they were closed Sunday and Monday. Plan B we went to Hoss's. 
Soon as we walked in a lady said hi to me. No idea who she was and then she said something about TOPS. 
Which was a non profit weight loss group I did a million years ago that I ran. It stood for take off pounds sensibly. I did well at the time, just couldn't maintain it. I told her what I was doing now and I explained NoBS to her. 

We had a lovely dinner although it seemed expensive for what we got.
I got a text from Phyllis saying her and Len were at her daughter's in Cleona. Jim said we're going by shortly, I texted her and told her that. Trying to figure out when we can get together. We drove by and I saw her sitting on the porch with Biscuit. So we turned around and went back and had a nice little visit with them, and saw her daughter Terri, and SIL in Steve. Then we said our goodbyes, we plan to go to lunch together on Wednesday early with her sister. We have a lot to squeeze in before we head up to my brothers.
 Then we went home I texted Linda on the way to see if I could drop off her money from what I purchased and I took her some date cake. She invited us over for a cosmo, which I enjoyed with her. We all had a lovely chat I told her about Mary Kay, and my new business, then we got home about 9:30 and watched a little New Naked and Afraid.
Programming Notice, lol.
I decided once we arrive upstate on June 6th, with my brother's, David and Drew. I will be taking a blog break. Thinking that I will just post once or maybe twice a month. 
Want to concentrate on Mary Kay, and continuing with my NoBS. I will be feeding a horse for a couple weeks once we arrive.  Drew will be going to Canada fishing for a couple weeks.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Line Dancing

Line Dancing 

Tuesday May 28, 2024
This morning we were up and had breakfast and I was out the door by 9:30 to go meet my Orlando friends to line dance. The only bad part is we only do it for an hour. We did decide to dance everyday now.
 Paula said Karen is coming in tomorrow too. Yay...
We all danced together and Sandie and I made plans to go together to Holiday Inn grantville, the Winner's Circle Saloon. They have lessons on Tuesday.We will continue our dancing tonight.  No one else could go.

After everyone left I worked on a line dance, wine beer and whiskey, I've been working on. They do it in Grantville, too. 
Then I walked home. Jim and I took a golf cart ride.
Jim and I decided to switch our lunch and dinner meal. It will be a little more time consuming to prepare right before I leave tonight, so I made it for lunch instead. 
First he put zucchini fries in the Ninja on air crisp. Then I made chicken cordon bleu. Took a picture of two leftover pieces for another day. 
While we prepared everything I made some pudding for later, and did a little dinner prep too.
After we ate lunch outside together. With the rain last night it brought a cold front in, so the weather was beautiful, nice and breeze, with no humidity.
 Jim had set up his drums and was playing outside for a while. I worked on the blog. 
While he was outside playing, I also made a few phone calls. Called for my yearly physical to make an appointment, to my surprise I had made one already. Just never wrote it down. So afraid I'm going to forget another appointment, and time is running out to get them all in. 
Then I called and rescheduled the eye doctor appointment I forgot about. So that's done. I put it on two different calendars and put it in Jim's calendar. If we forget now, then I don't know how we'll remember. LOL
Later we showered, and had burrito bowls for dinner before I left, they were quick and easy to do now instead of lunch. 
Then I picked Sandie up at 5:00 in the Smart car to head to the Winner's Circle together. She's my first passenger, in Junior. Wish her luck, LOL
We had a great time dancing together. They had lessons first. 
There was a really cute young couple that was fun to watch Dance. The LD instructors on the right.
 Sandie wanted to eat first, so she had quesadillas. I just enjoyed a few beverages.
We stayed until 10:00 p.m. when it was over. I dropped off Sandie at her motorhome. Told her I wanted to tell Jim that we had left. She said you might as well just go home now. LOL

As I waited for her to get inside,  I sent him a text, " I'm almost there."  
 I seen he texted me earlier, he went fishing. Boy did he have a fish story to tell. He caught two huge Bass.
 The one he put next to his size 12, to show the size, it was about 20 in or more. 
 He said there was a huge snapping turtle with a head bigger than his fist. He thinks fighting with the fish, and reeling him in brought the turtle in. He kept following Jim, and he went back and forth along the bank.
 Not the actual Turtle, but Jim said it looked a lot like this one.
As large as he said it was, it was probably 80 years old. Based on my turtle research I just did. 

Wednesday May 29, 2024 

This morning I made us breakfast and then I went up to line dance for an hour with my Orlando ladies. Then I stayed and listened to a No BS call for an hour, before heading home at noon.

 I made Jim and I quesadillas for lunch. Then we got ready and went in to see his mom in rehab. 
She was supposed to go home today, but as of now it's going to be Friday.

 After we left we got gas, stopped at Jo-Ann Fabrics. Looking for a green fabric to recover our headboard, no luck. Had a lovely chat with a lady though, All About Yarn. To bad that I wasn't alone, it would have been a longer conversation.
 Then we went into the beer store, Jim bought more Yingling and we found another box of hard Mountain Dew. 

We got home and took a golf cart ride. I heat up the rest of the leftover chicken cordon bleu for dinner. I made some delish mashed potatoes and gravy, veggies and Carmel apple dump cake with topping.

 Thursday May 30, 2024

 I made Jim French toast this morning they I went up to line dance for an hour. 
We did it outside today. We were told they were having an employee meeting inside and we had to do it out.
 We really enjoyed it it wasn't too hot,  the concrete was easy to dance on. The funny part is they had this sign posted in the door.
 I couldn't figure out why they were putting the sign up for July and not one up for today. Then I realized, they just don't know the date. 

It was nice to dance with Karen again after we finished I walked home and Jim and I went for a walk, when we got home we did a his and her pedicures outside. 
Then the RV was driving me crazy where the water downspout is in the front and the back. All the heavy rain had the corners all gunked up with what look like mud. And a combination of pollen I'm sure. So I got the bucket and a scrub brush out and got it off. Then I just kept going and ended up wiping down the whole RV and cleaning the windows outside. That was quite the workout.
 Then I took a run into Country View Amish market. I'm stocking up on food to go upstate I guess, but it was a lot of fun. 
Then when I got home we took a golf cart ride. Came home and heated up leftovers for dinner. 
Then Jim watched the Hershey Bears hockey with the final score of 6 to 1.
Bears WIN.