Got up at 8:00 just had a greek yogurt. Went up and did line dancing. It is so fun. Met some people from Lebanon area, I had a t-shirt on of a local CG they recognized the name on it.
Jim got a new phone and the first time we had our mail forwarded, somewhere, anywhere. So cool, the good part we received a check for over payment of mortgage, we were not expecting. nice surprise for our first mail forward. Yes, we did sell our house.
Went home with mail and new phone for Jim to play with, and had lunch. Went for an hour walk, then when to see an open house of 2 park models for sale we thought would be great for his mom.
I made a chicken vegs soup from our smoke chickens the other night, and Paleo banana muffins. I freeze them and get them out for eggs with breakfast.
Sat outside, had soup and salad for dinner it rained a little. Watched TV and read, talked with a friend back in PA. Then soon time for bed.
Friday January 12, 2018
We both slept till 9:00. Jim usually is up way before me. Jim went to get firewood. He started the smoker and we smoked 2 chickens for later. Then he started the pork loin we were having tonight for our get together. Neil and Nancy and Mike and Mandy were both coming over. So the menu include besides the smoked pork loin, baked beans, corn bread, grilled zucchini and vegs salad, our guests brought coleslaw, potato salad, rolls. I made an orange creamsicle cake for dessert.
Then I found out my MW/convection oven is not level, my cake was lopsided. When we looked at it you can see it is not level. Oh well, something later for Jim to fix.
We had a lovely evening, we had a fire and talked till after dark then started to rain a little we all went inside and talked a little more till we called it a night everyone left us. thanks everyone for a great night.
Thursday January 11,2018
Go up at 7:00 coffee and made eggs and bacon. Jim cleaned grill, and when I say cleaned grill, I mean he makes it look like new again. He is a very good cleaner. I have to tell him what needs cleaned but then his coffee kicks in and he goes to town and it looks beautiful. What a guy.
I did some stuff too. Washed 2 loads, love my new RV W/D. Later we went for an hour walk around the park. When we got back had lunch.
I started my prep for my dinner party tomorrow. We never had people over to our house, just immediate family. But we are having
2 couples over tomorrow. I do love cooking for people, it is what I do for a living, and what I will be going back to, just part-time now.
Jim made burgers on the grill, yellow rice and grilled zucchini.
Jim called home and talked with his mom. she is all we have left now she is 83. Watched TV till bed time.
January 9, 2018
Up early, today is our oldest son, Thomas birthday.Wished him a happy birthday.
Made smoothies then we walked for an hour. Then we went to the club house, or what ever they call it here. We line danced for 2 hours. It was so fun. Jim and I used to dance 3 times a week for hours and hours, when there were a lot more places to go. We used to go to TN and dance on the TV show called Club Dance if you remember that show a long time ago.
We came home to our lovely house on wheels, as Jim calls it. We had lunch in. I made salad with tuna.
Then we made a trip to Lowe's and seams like our 100 th trip to Wal*Mart already, and filled up with diesel. Made dinner, relaxed the rest of the night.
Monday January 8, 2018
Had breakfast, went for about and hour walk.
Getting RV washed today, it is so dirty with road salt, is driving us crazy, can't wait to see it clean. We had an appointment for him to come at 1:00. It was only one guy. Really nice young kid. Of course he has water with him that was treated so it would not leave spots. He had all the right tools with him that made the job a lot easier. Jim would have killed himself to try to get it all washed. He did a great job, he wiped it all down too. He also washed the truck he was here at least 2 hours. All for $100.00 and when he does it again before we leave Florida it will be $50.00. company is Williams:Unusual Detailing we highly recommend if you are in Orlando area.
We went to Publix when he left. Came back had dinner relaxed. Long hard day getting RV washed.