Smokin Meat and Dinner Party
We both slept till 9:00. Jim usually is up way before me. Jim went to get firewood. He started the smoker and we smoked 2 chickens for later. Then he started the pork loin we were having tonight for our get together. Neil and Nancy and Mike and Mandy were both coming over. So the menu include besides the smoked pork loin, baked beans, corn bread, grilled zucchini and vegs salad, our guests brought coleslaw, potato salad, rolls. I made an orange creamsicle cake for dessert.
Then I found out my MW/convection oven is not level, my cake was lopsided. When we looked at it you can see it is not level. Oh well, something later for Jim to fix.
We had a lovely evening, we had a fire and talked till after dark then started to rain a little we all went inside and talked a little more till we called it a night everyone left us. thanks everyone for a great night.
Thursday January 11,2018
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