Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Day trip with Friends, Glitter, Moving Day

Day trip with Friends, Glitter, Moving Day 

Wednesday June 5, 2024

Today I had made plans this morning to go with Phyllis to Lancaster to have a visit with her sister and friend Kathy. 
A lot of times when I blog, I have a hard time coming up with a title. Jim wanted me to call it lntercourse with friends. I said NO, LOL Intercourse is a name of a town in Lancaster county, along with many other colorful names.
She picked me up about 10:15 and it takes an hour to get there. Drove by an Amish barn raising that we just heard them talking about in the Lancaster news this am before I left.
We walked around the kitchen kettle village.
There was three huge buses there when we arrived, later a fourth showed up. I talked to a few people, there was different bus trips going on. Some were from North Carolina and some South Carolina. Went to Niagara Falls and then they came here. 
Later we had lunch, it was quite busy till we left.  
Walked around a few stores, I mentioned how expensive the whopey pies were. Phyllis said it reminded her, she was supposed to get some for Terri. I went in and got her some. Phyllis wasn't feeling well, she was coughing so much, exact same symptoms my mother-in-law just had. 
We went into a leather store. These two things were tempting, beautiful leather backpack, $145. and Card holder, @$38. looks really handy.
 Then into one store with all kinds of food for sale relishes, jellies, pickles, sweets, fun to walk around. 
Kathy and Debbie were a lot of fun to talk with.
 Kathy and I had a few nice chats, while Debbie and Phyllis worked out some family business issues. 
Then we said our goodbyes and headed home another hour drive. Tourist buggy 
 Phyllis still was not feeling well.
 Later she told me she went to the ER/Urgent Care. Said she has pneumonia. Oh no...

After I got home we had a quick bite to eat for dinner. 
I got ready and went to the Strawberry Festival at a local church that I was invited to do glitter tattoos for kids. 
It was only a few miles away. I arrived and found someone to talk to. She said I could set up anywhere I wanted.
 There was a threat of rain, so I decided to be right in the heart of the action and park between the two food trucks, and under the big oak tree, it would give me some protection if it did rain a little.

 It was a great time, I didn't buy anything. Really wanted to get some strawberries. But they don't travel well, as we head out tomorrow to go upstate to David and Drew.
Saw my Aunt Sandy there, she is my Dad's sister.
Why are some pictures turning, no idea
Quite a few people talked to me about the Smart car.
 We had one little quick shower and about 6:30 it started to pour. It was over at 7:00 so I headed out. It was a fun way to make $65. doing tattoos with the kids. 
These 13-year-old, 7th grade girls, were so cute. They wanted their face tattooed with a unicorn. I didn't like the way they turned out. So I also put a fish on their arm, they wanted them all the same. 
Got home with Jim. Put everything away didn't do a whole lot to get ready for tomorrow. 
We still had to load the car, it poured out until way after dark. Have to tomorrow then.

Thursday June 6, 2024

This morning we got ready. Still had to load the car. The winch didn't want to work again. So we had to drive it on. 
Jim felt like something got wet in one of the cables. 
I knew packing up would take a while so we actually pulled out 11:00 a.m. to drive upstate to David and Drew to spend a few months of the summer.
 We found a nice place to pull over and take a break for lunch. 
The truck makes everything so handy and convenient.
At one point going through Clarks summit, we got into some pretty heavy rain. When Jim turned the windshield wipers on, again, this time the passenger side one flew off. Luckily it stays attached, but he had to find a place to pull over and fix it. Jimmy got pretty wet. 
 We arrived  just outside of Dushore about 3:00 in the afternoon.
 Never went in the RV once during the trip and we should have. 
The plastic strap broke and the freezer door was open, never realizing it. It was at 27°.
 Jim backed in and did a great job. David and Drew came over to help. Then we got level and situated.
 Eventually we took the golf cart cart out, and offloaded the Smart car.
The sky was really dark, but never had any rain.
Great finally being here and all set up.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you didn't agree to Jims's title suggestion this time. Although it was a great one.
