Monday February 26, 2018
Lazydays Seffner Florida

Woke up at 5ish, knowing we have to be over at service parking lot at 8 AM. I got out of bed at 5:30, coffee was finished Jim had the timer set, so he was up soon after. We had coupons for breakfast, so we didn't have to worry about doing that. Ready about 7. I said if we get to the parking lot at 7:30 and have to wait a little at least we are there. So we hooked up. He had a tight turn out of our site, but no problem. We went and had a great breakfast first.
So we checked in that we are here. A few minute wait and we went back to talk with our service adviser. Talked about all we needed done. Said they will pull our FW into service bay and let us know. So we went and moved the truck. First we went over to the store wanted to ask about hinges we wanted for two cabinets, to have the doors open wider. Then we went to find something to do, some fun....
We took a ride, not much to see. Found a few stores we went into.
We had made plans to meet Jim and Dee at Parksdale Farm for Strawberry Shortcake. at 1:00. We wanted to have lunch first, so we found a Chili's we really like it there. Time was going so fast.
We both got there almost at the same time. We got in the long line, but boy does it move fast. They are a well oiled machine. Dee spotted Jessica and Harry another RV couple that recently got off the road in there FW. They have a little house in Florida now too. They have the FW I originally wanted before we found the one we have. We all only chatted for a minute, they had some people with them too.
We shopped for some veggies, we found red and green peppers zucchini, strawberries, green beans, yellow squash, and some cake to put into the freezer to have when we get home with everyone.
They were telling us they didn't have lot of space in fridge for beer, we had a small very small fridge we were carrying around in the back of the truck. We just were not using it anymore, no longer needed it. We offered it to them, they accepted it took it along, yea more crap out of the back of the truck. They were so sweet and invited us to come back with them to there house, we wanted to but thought we should check on FW. So we said our goodbyes and headed back to Lazydays.
When we got back we went to the parts desk to check on the hinges. We were able to take a quick golf cart ride to where the camper is to look at them. So far no luck finding them, don't understand why it is so hard, anyway. Then we got a call to go see our service adviser. So the Dishwasher they were going to put in was not going to fit without major cabinet modification. OMG how disappointing. So they had pulled us out of the bay, looking for a spot they could plug us into electric. Yea they found us one. They were also waiting to see what the warranty would cover. So basically tomorrow, don't call us we will call you, kind of day. well ok then..
So we went into FW, put slides out and chilled. Later we had some Leftovers for dinner I had for travel days. We watched the Voice, so good. Took a shower and relaxed, a little bummed:(
Sunday February 25, 2018
I was up first today, excited to go to Lazydays to get our punch list taken care of. Had quick green smoothies, and a greek yogurt with strawberries. Finished getting ready and sadly left at 10:45 we really like it here at TTO. About 1/2 hour away we stopped at a really nice rest area. We put bedroom and kitchen slides out. Don't think we ever did that before, we never stay long enough to bother.

Check in here is 1:00, so we had a little time to kill. I made us a sandwich an apple, we shared a protein bar. There was an accident just up the road we kept seeing police cars going by. Jim could see on his phone that traffic was slow. So we waited a little longer. We only had 30 miles or so till we arrived at Lazydays RV, huge RV world. We were directed to our site. Did very little set up as we have to be up early and move to have all the work started.
Then we went for a long, sunny, hot walk to see were everything is. We found the pool, a huge RV accessories store, a few restaurants, looked at a few RV's for sale, just because they are here. This place is so big, we walked and walked. So hot we finally got back to the FW, I heated up dinner, we had leftovers from last night, Jim was starving. It always is better the next day.
Then we went to the pool, so warm, I even would have liked it a little cooler. So nice and refreshing, we sat and had a drink pool side. I showered there. We came home Jim showered here, and I had a couple slices of smoked pork we had in the freezer. Jim made a sandwich.
I moved some stuff around in here, and emptied the island so they can work in here tomorrow.
We watched some of the closing ceremony of the Olympics. Not to long we have to get up early.
Saturday February 24,2018
Again can't believe I was up before Jim today too. I ate a bowl of cereal and 1 slice of toast from Trader Joe's later and a greek yogurt with fresh strawberries. When Jim got up he made his own breakfast. Didn't do much this AM, we were going to go somewhere, but we were lazy, wanted to get things ready for moving day tomorrow. Jim did some things outside, I did a few things. Jim grilled some chicken, enough for a few days.
My brother told Jim on facebook that he was getting a new Rainbow vacuum cleaner today, he had a guy coming over. My first one lasted 17 years, on my second now. He had the same one all these years. If you never saw one in action, it is a must see. I was able to talk with him later, he was so excited about all the new features.
We had lunch with some of the grilled chicken. We went for a walk around the park, it was so nice out. Had a few drops of rain, I had a load of cloths hanging out. Not enough to even make it wet. Table was a little, wet so hot dried right away.
I was inspired by my brothers cleaning, I have been wanting to use the Rainbow myself, I kept procrastinating. So I did the whole RV it takes a long time to vacuum 43 feet. I cleaned both bathrooms too.
When I was finished later I talked to my cousin for almost an hour, she is so fun to talk to, always my favorite.
Made dinner, took a showered.
Friday February 23, 2018
I was up before Jim. I started working on blog right away. I finished my post before I made breakfast. By then we were both really hungry. I went up to line dance class. We danced till only about 10:45 and two of the ladies and I talked about 45 minutes. I walked back. We had lunch, I read a new book outside. Was so nice outside.
I walked up to the pool, first time I was ever in this one. They have two pools one is for kids I guess. Was nice I did not stay in very long, I wanted to rinse off, but no showers there. I went back to the FW and showered. And I cut my bars for the party tonight.
We had dinner, leftover chicken from yesterday and zucchini. Then we got ready to go back up , we drove up this time. There was a very large crowd. They had invited 4 other campground groups to join us. Jim and I got to do some of our old fun dances. We headed home about 10:30 Jim was ready to go, they were still going strong.
We came home I showered again, and we watched the news, before bed. Just for the record we are still getting stink bugs out of here. Caught 3 just since we got home.
Thursday February 22, 2018
I was up early today 6:30, Jim joined me a little later. I made breakfast. Jim drove me up to Line Dance class, we wanted to take trash up and stop with the veggie guy that comes in on Tuesday and Thursday's. He was not even close to being set up yet. So Jim said he would walk up and we would stop with him when I was finished dancing.
Jim walked back he was working had. He cleaned the shower door track and sprayed it because it squeaked so loud when opening or closing it. He grilled chicken for two different meals. He had a visit from a endangered gopher tortoises, just passing through.

So glad my leg didn't hurt today. We danced for 3 hours, the class starts out so large they had to move some chairs back, then it dwindles down to just us a core few. I texted Jim I was ready, figured give him walking time cause we were still dancing. He arrived at 1:00 and we were still working on a dance that was tricky, but I think we got it. They asked Jim why he was not dancing, He said he does not like the music they play anymore. They don't use all country music anymore. We said we wanted to do a schottische dance a month ago with them, so today we did. I said he can dance, so he proved it. Was really fun to dance with Jim, we didn't do it for awhile. Ok he was ready for lunch he had not eaten yet. So we left and got our veggies, and walked home.
Was a hot walk back. We had our salad lunch, and watched a little TV. We sat outside for awhile again another gorgeous day. Then we needed to go out and get water. Busy traffic time, so much to look at, nice drive for me, till we found water. Walked around a few stores. One was so nice but empty so weird, very expensive, don't know how they can stay open. Then we stopped at Publix of course. Jim wanted more beer. I wanted to get some kind of a treat to take to our Friday dance party. So expensive to get something premade so I got some marshmallows. I will make my deluxe chocolate rice krispies treats, a recipe they make at work, so good.
We went home then, made dinner we grilled pork chops and more veggies. Jim watched hockey outside, yea they won. I made my treat, that took awhile. I took a shower. Jim came in later watched some TV, went to bed late considering how early I was up.
Wednesday February 21, 2018
Today I make smoothies and I had a bowl of cereal. I made Jim a omelet like the good wifey I am. This AM
my leg hurt, what is going on. So I walked up to line dance. Had a full class, with four guys attending today. Around 12:30 a few people were talking about going back to Clerbrook to Line Dance there too. I said I wish I could go, she said I could. I said I would love to by my leg hurt so much. I felt bad I invited myself along, but they are so nice.
Before I left I took a picture of the snack bar they have here. They serve breakfast and lunch out of here. Reminds me of work at home with the garage doors that lift up.
So I walked back to Jim. My leg still hurting, Very hot high 88.
Really windy but so beautiful. I had lunch, salad and 1/2 a sandwich. Jim said the electric only went off one time today, that's good. We watched some of the 70's Show, and talked about what we wanted to do the rest of the day.
So we both took quick showers, and headed out to Chili's for early dinner. It was nice we both had a burger. then we went to WalMart* found almost everything we were looking for. We wanted to get more water, but by now it was dark, I said it was past our curfew. So we said we can go back tomorrow and get some water. When we got home we put everything away. I still had my towels hanging outside. I brought them in we had some ice cream. Watched some TV and called it a night.
Tuesday February 20, 2018
I got up in time to get ready, made us both some eggs and went to Line Dance class. I walked up, today my shoulder was hurting for some reason. We had so much fun. They started out with such a large group, and it winds down to just a few of us. Love it.
Walked home had lunch a salad and yogurt I think. I had found a book up there. I wanted to read some books on my kindle. But Amazon will not let me download any. I even called the number that comes up, a few weeks ago and was on the phone for probably an hour to no avail. I was so frustrated. Still not able to download any.
So we were watching TV and the electric went off. We checked the normal things, and went and sat outside in the shade. You could tell that no one had electric. I said maybe we should call someone, but they probably already know it. So I did, a transformer blew, and they were working on it. So we sat outside. It did get a little warm in here, so Jim opened the windows. It really was nice outside, but quite a breeze. To much for the awnings. Then...
the electric came back on, Then it went off, and Well you get it, that happened for quite awhile. I was going to put chicken in the IP
and go up to the center. They were having a Fantasy RV Tour information night that I wanted to go see, So I left and went up there.
Jim said after awhile it finally stayed on. Then he had to shut all the windows. When I got home we heated the chicken up on the grill and had dinner. Nice night
Monday February 19, 2018
I was up at 7:00, it is a lot easier to get up when you have something special to do. We had our leftover breakfast from yesterday, I made some eggs to go with it. After my morning routine I was ready and I walked up to Line Dance. Those ladies are hard core, we danced from 10 to 1. There was
6 still dancing when I left. It was really fun, They had a flag raising for presidents day. They had red velvet cake and coffee. I got two pieces to take back for us to go with our lunch. I walked back after 1:00.
While I was gone Jim had some alone quite time, but he did a lot of things while I was gone. He reconditioned the water softener, and grilled some veggies and burgers to go with the leftovers we were going to have for lunch.
When I got home I had lunch. I sat outside a bit while he finished a movie he started. It was so warm and beautiful outside. I had to sit in the shade. It is fun to say hi to people walking by and pet there dogs. Jim came out and we went for a long walk, still quite warm out. Came back and talked with our neighbor across the road, they wanted to know where we got our flag pole, we chatted a bit. Came home and put the grill back on. He grilled chicken for tomorrow. I put some potatoes in the IP then took them out and but in some boneless pork ribs. Then they come out and go on the grill with BBQ sauce after the chicken came off. We had a nice dinner it was a little later then I would have liked. Time just goes so fast. We talked about our plans for heading back to PA already.
Sunday February 18, 2018
I woke up right before Jim he got up first I was right behind him. It was cold in the camper, 62 degrees. As soon as the sun is up it warmers up fast. Then we put the awning out to help shade FW.
Jerry and Diana said they were going up to the breakfast they were having today. We were up and ready by 9:10, when we went out we didn't see them yet, so we started to walk up. Breakfast was wonderful, I wanted to help them cook so bad. ( only because that is what I do ) I love cooking breakfast foods. When we were finished I saw the couple I met alone after dance class the last time we were here, they saw my Lickdale T-shirt. We had such a nice talk then, and now Jim got to meet them. They flip houses, and we talked about all we did to our house to sell it. We talked about many different things, like we new each other forever. Hope we can see each other again before we leave. I told her when we get back to PA I want to have a pot luck with all the people we met this winter from Pa. They are from Greta Springs. So we talked for a long time. Jerry and Diana did come to breakfast then and I felt bad we didn't really get to talk to them much.

We went into the store to look around, they had these really cool shirts that are magic, and change to color, when in sun. I got one and one for each of our girls ( granddaughters ) We walked back to FW. On the way we stopped with this guy that makes the pvc flag poles we talked with him they are $37.00 we spent to much on breakfast told him we would be back.
Till then it was almost 11 am so I finished our salads made tuna to go with them. I made 4 salads, when I make1 for a meal I make 2 more for a next day meal. Just as easy to make 4 as 2, saves time.
So we had our salads. And then hockey came on, so I went outside to let him watch it. I took my magazine out. It was so beautiful out very hot in the sun. I talked with new neighbor that came in. A lot of people move on a Sunday. He came out at the end of second period. And put the outside TV on then. When it was over we sat out for a bit, and talked about what else we were going to do.
So off we went, he dropped me at Publix and he went to find a truck wash. When he text me he was finished ,I said I'm only in aisle 5. We finished at Publix. When we were in line a lady asked Jim to hand her 2 candy bars she couldn't reach them, she said the Hershey ones I said we are from there, she said me too, Lancaster LOL. We had two gift cards one from Jim's work and one a refund from our LAST electric bill. So our bill was $168. had total $100.00 off, beer was 35. food was 31. So our whole day was only $168.00. On the way back into the park we stopped and got our flag pole. Till we got home put everything away, well I put it all away, he does not know where anything is, lol. Jerry came over we talked for a few minutes. Then Jim grilled fresh green beans and some salmon. So good.
I blogged we showered did dishes watched Olympics, Fabulicious Sunday ( not an formal English word )
Saturday February 17, 2018
I was up so late last night . I wanted to get caught up to date with the blog posts. Yea, I'm up to date now. Also what kept me up last night. When I did go up to bed I saw light on at my side of the bed,
well it was from the washer, a button must have gotten hit with the door when we moved, and I could not get it to go off. So I had to come down and was trying to find the owners manual. Jim woke up and helped me get it off. When I finally found the book it said to unplug it wait a minute and plug back in. well that worked. I finally got to bed, late so late.
I was up about 8:30 Jim was up much earlier and had coffee all ready. I had cereal and Jim made himself some eggs. We discussed our plans for the day. Jim really didn't want to have any. They were having yard sales at your site from 10 to 2 so I put my bags out and sold some. If anyone wants some let me know. So I kept going in and out talking with people. And coming in an cleaning up the mess I made pulling stuff out of the ottoman looking for that book last night. Jim took sheets off bed I put them in washer and hung them outside. I also cleaned the kitchen up had to wash my InstaPot.
Then I wanted to finally hang my 3 grape plates that I had in the house I love so much. We did that we had to put kitchen slide in make sure it would not touch them. We didn't want to see when it was time to move and find out it wouldn't work. We had to move one end up. Then he put his tools away so quick, I said I think we need to move other end up too. So he went out got his drill again. He such a good sport. OK now it looks good. My next project later is move my grapes tapestry under plates. I still have to figure out how I can do it. I wanted it on the bathroom door. It is curved not flat so it will be a little tricky. We sat outside in the shade for awhile it was beautiful out today, very hot in the sun.
So by now it was lunch time so we had leftovers I made IP last night. I took polish off my fingers and toes. And went out and got my toes ready for polish. I had washed another load and hung most of that load out too. Before we knew it was after 6. That one really got away from us. We did get some stuff done though at least. We made bed and I brought rest of laundry in.
Jim grilled some onions and peppers. Then we went and said hi to our neighbors Diana and Jerry, we went to Luncheon with them. We went for a walk about 35 minutes or so before dark. Then came back and Jim finished grilled and did the swordfish. I did dishes took a shower and re painted my fingers and toes. Watch some TV.
WOW that was way to many details, SORRY
Friday February 16, 2018
I work up at 7 with the thoughts of all it takes to move. I actually got up about 7:20. And got things moving, I made toast, chicken sausage and eggs. We all did or jobs. I do inside Jim does outside.
We left about 11:10 only a good half hour drive. We had to pull into an empty parking lot for about 6 minutes. You can't come in till after 12 noon. Can't have people coming and going at the same time. Gets to crazy.
We were number 9 in line. They ask you where you want to be. I wanted be closer to the activity center where all the fun happens. Our site was empty we had last time. And we saw when we were here yesterday that it would we. ( each site has a paper with your name on it and the day you are leaving ) So we just took the one we had. We really did like it. Easy to get to, and easy to get in and it's a very large site.
I got our salads ready that I had pre made. I did my inside jobs, and put everything back out. And Jim did outside stuff. I watched a little TV stuff I had recorded. Then I wrote out 10 postcard that my DIL gave us for Christmas. I had made dinner in Instant Pot but when we moved I think the steam thing came out. I also made 8 hard boiled eggs too.
We went up and mailed my cards. we wanted to see what was going on. They were having a dance and Karaoke. I said I would go back. Talked with Norma she got her hair cut short was so cute. I met her a month ago when we were here. She is a great line dancer. Jim wanted to watch hockey. We went back home and ate and I got ready to go back up. I walked up was so fun talked with people I met here before, and a new lady Desiree from PA. We all figured out the rest of our dance schedule for the next week. Norma and her hubby offered to drive me home, so nice, thanks
Jim was finishing hockey, I put all my stuff away. I showered did some move blog, up to late but got it done.
Thursday February 15, 2018
We set alarm for 7. Don't want to be late or not ready when someone is coming to pick you up. I made smoothies and a greek yogurt. We pack a few things we were taking along. We always take water and diet pepsi where ever we go. Tom and Chris were right on time, arrived at 9:00. We drove with them to TTO we met Diana and Jerry there and drove the rest of the way with them. The luncheon was a Buddy Freddy I never heard of it, was a buffet place. Really good, at a good price too.
The people we know from PA were there that also have a Lifestyle. Mike and Candy, they are so nice they really helped us make our decision to get our FW. We got to meet there friends too.
Everyone introduced themselves. They had a little meeting, things they had to discuss. We all talked for awhile. Then we started to head out.
We went back the same way. When we got back to TTO Chris and Tom were not there yet. They were setting up with a dog sitter for next week they are going on a cruise. So here at TTO they have a veggie guy come every Tuesday and Thursday. So I sort of said if we could stop while we wait for them to get back. So Jim and I went over there. I was able to get spaghetti squash, radishes, strawberries, red and green peppers. That was nice of Jerry, Thanks.
Then we all went to Jerry's FW and all 6 of us talked for quite a while. Was really nice we all shared our funny RV stories. We headed out about 4:30. We thanked Jerry and Diana and, we drove back then with Tom and Chris to our park in Clermont.
We thanked them again for driving, and taking us along. Jim grilled some chicken for our moving day salad tomorrow. We had a little piece we shared and some grilled veggies from yesterday. I then cleaned up, showered, put some stuff away to move tomorrow. Worked on the blog for awhile, and called it a night.
Tuesday February 13, 2018
Was up late last night, I only got up at 9. Watched some Today Show. I had some toast from Trader Joe's. I made Jim an egg sandwich with his toast. We also had a fresh peach with a greek yogurt and Paleo granola. I worked on the blog, My new job, oh my. Chris and Tom stopped by, we didn't know them, they know the June's, and we will be going to the CTC luncheon, this Thursday. They offered to take us with them and to meet up with the June's, since both of us are here at the same CG. That was so nice of them. The June's are at TTO.
We had our mail delivered to our site, it came shortly after they left. It was a big pile to go through.
Then we left to find an adventure. First we went to Oakwood smokehouse, so good. We went to the one near the Citrus Tower. Had a wonderful waiter, Neil. We went in about 1:30 well after lunch time, no crowd, so it was not busy. I saw the firewood pile when we went in. I said to Jim I wonder if they could tell us where they get there wood. Neil asked his boss, he didn't know, Neil even made a few calls for us, one right in front of us as we ate. He went above and beyond his waiter duty. He told us of a guy who sells wood right at his house, he couldn't verify it. But told us how to get there. I asked him if there was any other must see places while we were here. He told us about this Tiki Bar in Minneola, and a few other places. So we had a wonderful lunch. I took 1/2 of mine along for a meal tomorrow too.
We went and found the wood guy. We got this pile for $20. not to bad. Then we went to the
Lake at Clermont Park. Walked around went to Lilly's on the Lake a cute little restaurant, we made a lunch reservation for Valentine's Day tomorrow.

Then we walked the direction of the Tiki Bar that Neil the waiter just told us about. Jim didn't want to walk that far. I said we could use the exercise. So off we went. It really was probably only a good mile or so. When we got there it was so cute. All outside, open air place, they had huge cat fish that just hung out there. And a beautiful view. I of course starting talking with these two couples that were there together and sat next to us. Jim had a beer and I drank 2 bottles of water. We shared a key lime pie, our favorite. We talked with them for awhile. They had a lot of questions on our full-time life. This was there last night together so I offered to take a picture of them. They were very nice and fun to talk with. They were here for winter from Illinois. We said our goodbyes didn't want to be still walking when it was dark. So we started walking fast, and talked about how fun that just was. Before we knew it we could see truck. Jim said we probably walked about 3 miles total today.
We got home and Jim made a fire of course, and way before dark. He watched hockey outside. I worked on this blog. Looked at a cool magazine I never saw before that came in our mail today called Country Door. I showered, washed a load of towels and watched more Olympics. What a great fun Day:)
Monday February 12, 2018
Happy Monday Morning, what a different Monday then we were used to in PA.
When I finally got up I made Paleo Blueberry Pancakes with strawberries, eggs and uncured bacon which is also Paleo.
I worked on blog for a bit. Then we went to Taco Bell for lunch. We just wanted a quick budget friendly meal. They were swamped,
someone called off at the last minute, they said a manager passed out. They almost gave me a job. We just went with the flow, we are in no rush. They gave all of us waiting a coupon for 2 free tacos for later, anyway it was good.
Then we went to bealls outlet my new favorite store. I wanted a new bathing suit, couldn't find one, what a night mare that was. We did find a wallet for Jim and I found a pare white pants and a top. And I have been wanting a pare of flameless candles. You can set them to turn off after 4 hours. One works one does not. It works you just have to turn it off. We got a birthday card for our youngest grand daughter she will be 6 at the end of the month. We mailed it with a few little gifts I had for her.
Then off to the spring water self service, filled our jugs and then took a drive around Groveland. Came home put everything away. Jim got a call from his friend back in PA, she needed help with
math homework, she is 11. Her Dad was not home yet, he works with Jim.
Sunday February 11, 2018
Day Off, as Jim calls it, means he does not want to go any where today. Really hot out today. I didn't do anything, But cook, wash dishes, did 2 loads wash, work on blog can't wait to get caught up, to present, almost there.
Jim grilled a lot of veggies and a steak for himself for dinner. Then he made a fire. It rained pretty hard for just about 5 minutes. That's it, was just so humid before and after the rain. Watched more winter Olympic Game.
Thursday February 8, 2018
Last night I could not sleep, went to bed at 11:30 got back up at 1:00. Watched some stuff in my DVR, went back to bed at 3. Got up this am at 8:30 made smoothies, we got ready an went to Orlando. First we stopped at Publix to get some cash back. Then off to Cousins Maine Lobster, always wanted to find the food truck ever since we saw them on Shark Tank. Was really good not cheep, but I knew that, it is real lobster after all.
Also always wanted to go to a Trader Joe's, was really cool just wanted to find some healthy snacks. Bought a lot of items I never got before, guess we will see how they are.
Then we went to another Publix closer to the CG on the way home.
Had a lot of stuff to put away, made dinner and I made a baked pumpkin oatmeal for tomorrow. An watched some Olympic Zone.
I want to try to go to bed early, we need to be up and out early tomorrow.
Wednesday February 7, 2018
Made AM smoothies both up at 9:00. Then had lunch and I went to the Hearth for line dancing really fun teacher Lee and Linda. We danced from 1 to 3. then Jim picked me up and we went home and I changed. Then we went to happy hour and had burgers and chicken sandwich. Then they did Karaoke and a 50/50 drawing. Then we went into the pool/hot tub.
Then we went home had a snack and sat outside till the mosquitoes
starting biting us. We showered and watched TV, watched the Tesla in space, circle the earth. I wonder if that was really real.