Made breakfast Jim waxed FW. I vacuumed cleaned dusted a little. Made a great leftover lunch.
Went to get Nancy's dog. Took her back with us. Neil's sister very suddenly became ill. Made dinner, they picked her up at 9:30.
We also needed to put the heat back on.
Sunday January 14, 2018
Jim got up at 6:30 I woke up at 9:00. Had cereal with yogurt Jim made an egg sandwich before I got up. Watched a little news and he finished waxing the FW. I went to let Tatum out. Then we went to Chili's for lunch, was our first time, was really good.
Then a stop at Publix's. Came home put everything away. Then we went to take dog for a walk. Took her back with us, she had fun playing with Jim. We no longer have any animals, used to have dog cat and horses. They all passed now.
We had dinner. They picked her up at 7. I packed a lunch for tomorrow. We are taking a trip to Disney with Mike and Mandy. They are our tour guides, can't wait.
Monday January 15, 2018

Home by 6 ate leftovers for dinner. Wonderful fun free day:)

Made Blueberries Paleo pancakes, made with eggs and coconut flour. Went line dancing. Made chicken quesadilla for lunch, and hard boiled eggs in Instapot was so easy, worked great.
We visited with people near us with a Cameo, The June's. Found out we will be going to same CTC Rally in TN the end of September, and a Florida luncheon they have soon. Small world as they say, but I would not want to clean it.
When we came home Jim grilled chicken and made a fire.
Wednesday January 17, 2018
We made smoothies, left early 10:30 for the Tampa RV show. Was cool a little windy, but yea we are in Florida so was great. I ordered a shirt " Love Line Dancing" Saw some people we know from PA. They have a little plot of land here now for the MH.
We stopped for Chinese food on way home not good. Went to Publix's needed just a few things to make white chicken chili in the Insta Pot.
Our youngest son called from PA he was having problems with his heat staying on so of course he called Dad. That is what Jim does for a living HVAC. It was nice to hear his voice.
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