Sunday February 18, 2018
I woke up right before Jim he got up first I was right behind him. It was cold in the camper, 62 degrees. As soon as the sun is up it warmers up fast. Then we put the awning out to help shade FW.
Jerry and Diana said they were going up to the breakfast they were having today. We were up and ready by 9:10, when we went out we didn't see them yet, so we started to walk up. Breakfast was wonderful, I wanted to help them cook so bad. ( only because that is what I do ) I love cooking breakfast foods. When we were finished I saw the couple I met alone after dance class the last time we were here, they saw my Lickdale T-shirt. We had such a nice talk then, and now Jim got to meet them. They flip houses, and we talked about all we did to our house to sell it. We talked about many different things, like we new each other forever. Hope we can see each other again before we leave. I told her when we get back to PA I want to have a pot luck with all the people we met this winter from Pa. They are from Greta Springs. So we talked for a long time. Jerry and Diana did come to breakfast then and I felt bad we didn't really get to talk to them much.

Till then it was almost 11 am so I finished our salads made tuna to go with them. I made 4 salads, when I make1 for a meal I make 2 more for a next day meal. Just as easy to make 4 as 2, saves time.
So we had our salads. And then hockey came on, so I went outside to let him watch it. I took my magazine out. It was so beautiful out very hot in the sun. I talked with new neighbor that came in. A lot of people move on a Sunday. He came out at the end of second period. And put the outside TV on then. When it was over we sat out for a bit, and talked about what else we were going to do.
So off we went, he dropped me at Publix and he went to find a truck wash. When he text me he was finished ,I said I'm only in aisle 5. We finished at Publix. When we were in line a lady asked Jim to hand her 2 candy bars she couldn't reach them, she said the Hershey ones I said we are from there, she said me too, Lancaster LOL. We had two gift cards one from Jim's work and one a refund from our LAST electric bill. So our bill was $168. had total $100.00 off, beer was 35. food was 31. So our whole day was only $168.00. On the way back into the park we stopped and got our flag pole. Till we got home put everything away, well I put it all away, he does not know where anything is, lol. Jerry came over we talked for a few minutes. Then Jim grilled fresh green beans and some salmon. So good.

I blogged we showered did dishes watched Olympics, Fabulicious Sunday ( not an formal English word )
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