Saturday, March 27, 2021

Another Hot Day

Another Hot Day, Jim loves it.

I woke up early today, but Jim got up first. We made the coffee together and enjoyed it as I watch the news, he looks at his phone. 
Later I made him breakfast of cream cheese and blueberry stuffed French toast and two eggs. I made a batch of oatmeal.
 It was really foggy first thing this morning and totally dark out when we got up. 
Later Jim heard lawn mowers off in the distance. Seems like they cut the golf course every day. But later they were coming over here, so he was outside for a while moving our stuff in as our grass really need to be  cut. He even moved the truck  to make it easier for them to do a nicer job. He stayed outside for a while, and he loves it in the heat.
I took off the grease as it was now cold from the pot roast last night, I'm going to make soup for him with most of it, I don't eat beef, also I cut up a pineapple. Jim got all the trash together since we had a nice bagful and he took it up to the dumpster in the golf cart as I was doing my blogging.
He started to prep the kitchen sink to re-caulk it. I got really to go up to line dance from 12 to 2. Jim said he could wait till 2 to eat lunch. I told him what we were having, the grilled boneless pork ribs and the salads I made yesterday. Told him if he can't wait eat the salad first. 
I left in plenty of time as not to be late, as Jim was still working on the sink. When I arrived at the Hearth a sign on the door said LD Canceled for today, hope to see you the last one on Wednesday. How sad, plus only one dance left. So I took a drive the long way home. Stopped my Barbara and Tony, the scooters were not there. So kept going said hi to the 2 sisters that have the beautiful orange tree here like mine, but huge and planted outside. Saw it 2 weeks ago in full bloom. 
Pictures from a ride around 
Till I arrived back to the RV. Jim still working on the sink, he does such a good job. It just gets messy and some language glad his Mom didn't have to hear.
So I had to wait to get lunch out, was all ready just heated up pork. I prepared a card to send his Mom that Deb made in Piece River. It was SO good. Had a cookies for dessert.
Then we went for golf cart ride, stopped at the Pro shop got Travis a golfing shirt.
We had dinner I made Jim beef noodle soup. 
We went into pool. The took a sunset golf cart ride.

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