Saturday, April 27, 2024

Found our TWIN, that's not US

Found our TWIN, that's not US

Thursday April 18, 2024

This morning I went up at 9:00 for walk fit and line dancing. When I was leaving I saw Shawn, part of our Switch Crew, who has his own YouTube channel, called RV Your Way. 
He asked us before if we would be willing to do a video with him of our new setup. He likes to do videos of RVers who full-time.
So agreed we would do it tomorrow after line dancing and lunch. 
We said goodbye and I walked home.

 Jim and I had lunch together and then he went for a golf cart ride.  I wanted to vacuum and clean and do some things. 
After he left I started vacuuming Etc. Cleaning up putting things away for tomorrow's video shoot with Shawn. Then I rearranged a shelf above our chairs. 
 Hope I can find what I'm looking for, I didn't move things around too much. When I was cleaning Jim sent me a picture and said look what I found. 
He found our twin Volvo here. 
That's not US.
They have a Full House DRV.
Later after dinner we took a golf cart ride and went to stalk them, I mean went to see if we can say hi. 
They were coming out with the trash  as we drove the golf cart by, 
they are Scott and Deanna. They have a 2016 Volvo 780. They showed us both the inside, we talked about the similarities and the differences. They were very helpful with some ideas for us and questions we had. 
What a lovely chat we had and he mentioned that Neil Pope would be coming in with his HDT. We met him at the HDT Rally in October. He has a big box on the back that he does a lot of solar install for people. 
Then we came back from the ride after a lovely visit. Enjoyed the rest of the evening watch a little TV. 

Friday April 19, 2024

 This morning I went up for walk fit an line dance. During walk fit a lady walked in and looked around. I went over and said hi to her. She said she loves to do Leslie Sansone videos too. All the while I kept walking and my feet moving, lol. She was talking about how she had a big truck and blah blah blah.  I said what kind of big truck. 
She said they have an HDT that is a full-on toter home. 15 ft box totally self-contained motorhome. And both her and her husband Jerry and Terry have their CDLs and our commercial drivers, she sent me a picture and this is their home. 
I said hope we can talk again later.

Pam had stopped in we chatted a bit but I had to take off so we could have lunch before Shawn comes over.
 He arrived about 1:00 we started on the inside of the fifth wheel. Yesterday and today it's over 90° out and super humid. We went through the fifth wheel then we went outside. He did a quick walk through around the outside of the RV. Then we showed off the Volvo and the smart. We finished about 2:30. 
As we were sitting outside Scott and Neil Pope arrived in their golf cart,  we  all chatted a bit, quick got some pictures of all of us together. 
As Shawn was getting ready to leave, Terry and Jerry stopped by on their e-bikes.
 We had a nice chat all of us together. We said goodbye to Shawn and we invited them in. 
I showed Jim the picture she sent me  of their HDT.
They were probably here for almost 2 hours, we had a lovely visit and learned a lot from them. 
After they left I got dinner together and Jim and I talked about how much we learned today and yesterday.
Later we went for a golf cart ride and saw Jerry and Terry and they gave us a tour.
The bed comes down right over the table no need to move it.

You can see Shawn's video of us on 
RV Your Way


  1. What a neat community you have fit in to.

  2. It's possible we met Jerry a few years back in Oklahoma. We were fueling next to him. He said she was sleeping inside.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
