Wednesday July 26, 2023
Jim was the first today about 8:30. I like to get up when I know the coffee's ready. We had quite a leisurely morning for a travel day.
Once we finally got into the house after 10:00 a.m. We made multiple trips in the golf cart with stuff we packed. I wish I had a count of how many trips we made. Alot, I had breakfast after 10:00 Jim had it after 11:00.
Drew had an appointment at the dentist this morning at 8:00 am, but he had returned already. We chatted with David and Drew, thanked them both. Hopefully they will miss us. Lol
Finally left the cabin/house at 1:00 p.m..
Had a lovely driving day, untill Jim got a little nervous when the GPS lost its signal. It was heavy construction zone. Luckily he knew where he was going until it came on again.
We only made one quick rest area stop. Motor home life is pretty awesome.
Jim is cleaning the Ninja Grill, and the Berkey is out making water to use in the coffee pot. Drew has the best mountain water,and I'm using it just for drinking
Passed this site with doe and two fawns in it. Got a quick picture too.
Got more pictures of the doe and two fawns were still out.
Then I saw an HDT, hope I can get to talk to them and cool MH.

Got back and got things together went to the bath house and took a shower before bed. Maybe I'll try to find some TV.
Thursday July 27, 2023
This morning we had a slow start, leisurely coffee and breakfast.
Jim went to shower at the bath house. I got ready packed up my stuff for the day.
Sallie and Stewart we're going to pick us up at 11ish. They didn't arrive till 11:45.
They took us to their seasonal site at Otter Lake. They have been going there for about 40 years almost.
We got to meet her daughter Heather and her three children. She had two other grandchildren kids staying with her, so we got to meet five of the nine Grands.
She made us pizza in her oven for lunch.
Then Tina and John came over their friends we met in Florida. We had a visit with them. Later we stopped to see their seasonal site.
I love the beautiful moss and the rocks outside of their fire ring.
The store was huge and well stocked.
The above case on the right had camper shaped dog treats.
She had put a turkey breast in her oven. We had leftover mashed potatoes stuffing and grilled zucchini for dinner.
Another good hubby washing the dishes after dinner. He had the same surprised look that Jim gives me.
Had a lovely time chatting about our future plans. She really thinks we should buy our Florida house sooner than later, thinking 10 years is too long to wait for us to have enough time to enjoy it. Definitely give it some thought.
Sallie and Stewart took us home, we left about 9:00 p.m. is very close to Timothy Lake South but you have to go slow because of deer and woodsy and windy roads. So it takes a half an hour.
Once we arrived we thank them gave them hugs and goodbyes. She couldn't believe we won't see her again until Florida. SAD
We had a new neighbor in front of us now. I got my stuff and went up and took a shower, went to bed around 10:00 I was really tired by then. Didn't sleep well our first night here.
Friday July 28, 2023
Wow I woke up right before 8:00 a.m. this morning. He's so enjoyed our coffee and I made us both breakfast. Scrapple eggs and a bagel thin. Jim had an English muffin. I normally don't eat that for breakfast but I only had a small amount of yogurt made. And not a lot of room in this gas fridge to store alot.
Later I texted Carla and asked her if she had any Teflon tape. I also told her I'd be home all day if she wanted to come up and visit we had nowhere to go . If she was going anywhere fun, that we could always hitchhike along, lol.
Jim was working on the faucet outside that leaks. Jim said it needs a whole new faucet.
Then he was on the phone and was booking a lot of reservations for the winter. That's always exciting.
Sometime between 10:30 and 11:00 Carla stopped by for a visit. I just started working on the blog. The three of us sat in the motorhome and chatted for over 4 hours.
We really enjoyed it but we're starving by now as it was after 3:00 in the afternoon. Nancy called I told her I had to answer it. We said goodbye quickly.
As I talked to Nancy I started lunch. Jim got the Ninja out he wasn't happy when I started chopping vegetables first. But he grilled some for me I gave him dark bean chicken chili as a first course. Then he had some cornbread I made in the Ninja next with strawberries. I waited for the cornbread and ate mine with chili. Later he washed the dishes, such a good hubby, too. We had quite the pile by now.
Then we got new neighbors behind us. They like to watch movies inside while the speakers running outside and it's so loud when our air conditioner isn't running. It is another hot and humid day.
Saturday July 30, 2023
This morning we both slept in late. Saw a text late from Carla saying she wasn't going to do walk fit. It was good I didn't see it till 10:30.
We had a relaxing morning with coffee and breakfast. Didn't go anywhere all day just enjoyed our little Class C. Before lunch we walked up to the store I found my favorite Tootsie Pops in chocolate. Checked out the pool,
Bought some ice cream novelties. Came home had lunch I had leftovers from yesterday. Then we had her ice cream treat. He sat outside for a while eventually we got rain right before dinner as we tried to go for a walk.
We still walked for an hour together. After dinner. I Took shower and washed my hair. When I got home I watched a little bit of naked and afraid and went to bed after Jim did. Tomorrow is moving day. We're going to be moochdocking for a night.
Sunday July 30, 2023
This morning Jim was up early out the door. He went to the bath house took a shower. I got up saw the time with 6:45 laid back down to it was 7:00 something. Then I got up started the coffee, we got things together and headed out just after 9:00 a.m.. that was really good for me. But so much less to pack up in the motorhome. We chatted with Pam and John as we headed their way. Decided to go to Walmart first get a few things, and some things for our dinner together tonight.
Their house is a short distance away. Backed in their driveway. John helped Jim get level right away, because the gas fridge does not like to be unlevel .
And he played the guitar for us around a fire before bed.
What a great night with one of our oldest dearest friends ever.