Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Jim was up first today, I got up shortly after he did. Was a little sad, being back, what happened yesterday, and the weather here is just so bad compared to what we were used to. He was mad at himself. We had our coffee and smoothies. I made a list on our last 2 hours of the drive yesterday, of all we have to do before we go back to work on April 9. So we started on the list. We got a few things done. I called to make 2 claims for the tire and tow. Jim finished up the last part of the last call it was all getting confusing.
He called his Mon, we had made plans to go out to lunch today, probably Hoss's. Now she didn't want to. She wanted us to stop yesterday and get her 2 slices of pizza, we just didn't get to then. So we said we would today, after we ate at home. I really wanted to make my Paleo blueberries pancakes, apple maple sausage, and eggs. We ate then we went to fill up our water jugs here. There is a spring we go to, it is closer to Thousand Trails Hershey = TTH though. Was a little drive. Then we stopped at the UPS store and got our mail. What a pile we had, half was probably trash. Then we got pizza for my MIL. We stopped with her, had a nice visit. Then Jim brought my car around, was parked in the back. I went to Weis ( I miss Publix ) to get food for Easter. I came home put stuff away.

When I got home from Weis, Jim was trying to install the hinges we got for the cabinets to open all the way. The pantry and the one under the sink. It was not going well, it was not a quick change out I was hoping for. Probably will have to call a cabinet guy, later.
I was texting my friends Nancy and new Florida friend Sue. I started making dinner too by then, time was going so fast. I made in-fried chicken, zucchini with onions and tomato sauce and cheese mix veggies and new potatoes. I had my Instant Pot filled with 2 and half dozen eggs, and I also added 6 tiny new potatoes to have with dinner. Worked, only 3 cracked open pretty good. I though I had dye, but I couldn't find any. Have to get some tomorrow. We had a nice dinner I cleaned up. Watched TV, did this blog. When I go back to work on April 9 I will only post once a week. If you think this is boring that would really be dullsville.