Lunch with Friends at Villages
Saturday March 10, 2018
Eustis, Florida
We preset the coffee pot now, so it is ready before we get up, that is nice. I made smoothies too it has been awhile. Later I made some eggs. We decided to go to The Villages we met our full-time friends from Pa. Neil and Nancy, we ate at Gators Dockside Restaurant was so nice to talk with them. Talked for 2 hours. We had walked all around the stands with people selling all kinds of things. Then we said our goodbyes.
Jim and I went over to Spanish Springs. We walked around and looked at the shops. We saw a movie theater and the movie we wanted to see. If we had a day where it rained, but it never did. We will go back tomorrow and see a movie. But first we want to take a Trolley Tour of The Villages, one that departs from all three Town Squares they are Spanish Springs, Lake Sumter Landing and Brownwood. Good plan for tomorrow.
We started to head back after 5. Jim wanted to watch Hockey. I took a walk around over here to see what was going on. Not much really. The couple behind us left with there FW, had a big pile of stuff here. They picked up the new camper, a FW they were back when we got here. Talked with them for a minute, they had a lot to do. I heated up some leftover chicken for me, and beef for him.
We got a text from friends back in Pa, they are here, just came back from a cruise, they were only about 1 1/2 hours away. So close yet so far, wish we could have gotten together. They fly home Monday, they don't have a car, we wanted to meet in the middle. It was nice to be able to talk with her.
We've met Nancy and Neil a couple of times at Hershey Preserve. Don't they have a Redwood?