Lazydays Tampa Florida
Today we woke up a little later. We were going to go over and just pay for breakfast, thought they went to 9:30 we arrived at 9:35 they closed by then. We will try tomorrow. That is a big hint how the day went. So I made Paleo banana nut pancakes and eggs in the camper. After that we watched a little TV. Then went to check in with Chad to see how we are doing. He said we were waiting for the warranty company approval. It would help if we called to check. So we came back and I called to see if I could expedite things. Then I had to call Southern Palms the next campground we had reservations for today. They were very nice.
So we went back and told Chad I talked with them. He said he got the approval. So I said now what happens. So we all planed that we would leave tomorrow. Then we would cut our next 2 weeks a little short and come back, by then they should have all the things we need here to get the work done.
Then when all that was going on my boss at home called and asked if I would work full-time when we get back. YEA just what I wanted. So I had some texting and a few phone calls to make for all that, all set to go back to work April 9. So happy about that.
Then we had a little lunch, not enough for Jim but that's it. Then we took a long golf cart ride. The pollen in the trees is bad here. A lot of cars have a green hue. We came back I took some allergy pill, and laid down for a good hour. We got ready to go eat at Exit 10 again it was so good yesterday, plus it is hard to cook without water, our fresh tank was pretty much empty, we filled a couple of jugs to flush. we will be ok till tomorrow. We ate really good again. Had to try Key Lime pie, so good in Florida. We talked with a couple from MI and the couple we talked with a lot last night, came in again right before we left. Said Hi and By to them. I went into the pool. Really warm, Jim just went and showered right away. I was talking to an older man in the pool from Clermont. He really reminded me of my FIL. So I showered too.

I haven't kept up with you as to what you are having done on the rig. Hope its nothing time consuming or major. We,too, don't have water. We drove to Indiana yesterday stopping last night on the road. Picked up the rig this morning. Reviewed with Open Range all the repairs they did. Took off headed for home. Two hundred miles down the road one of the hangers they worked on broke AGAIN. So here we are. 420 miles from home, in a Walmart parking lot. Oh course we always pick a busy Interstate to break down on. This time right in Indianapolis. Tow got us off the road. Libbert (who makes the frame) coming tomorrow. When we get home I will be filing the Lemon Law papers. Got some water to flush at the Walmart. And this my friends.... is why we no longer fulltime. The stress got to me.