Mail Day
Tuesday March 6, 2018
Eustis Florida
We woke up today, I decided to make a new recipe I had for fresh blueberry paleo pancakes. They have banana, almond butter, and eggs. I added a little almond flour too. The other recipe has eggs and coconut flour. It made a lot was really good I made eggs and bacon too.
Then we had to decide what we wanted to do for the day. Both of us took showers and hung our towels outside, and we got ready to leave, after our morning routine. We wanted to go check out Tavares.
They call them the 3 cities here Eustis and Mt Dora. All right next to each other. Mt Dora has the most to do there. We ate lunch before we left.
When we left we drove over to the CG on the other side of the road. On our walk yesterday we saw the RV, of people we met in Orlando Thousand Trails = TTO. they were not home, so I wrote them a note, we wanted to see them again.
We are waiting for a call from the local UPS store, waiting for a mail delivery. While we were driving around over there we received a call that the mail was here. We went over to get it. The CG info with there rules said No mail will can be delivered here. So we paid an extra $10.00 to have it come to the UPS store. Then the neighbor behind us told Jim you just give them your site number. I hate when people follow the rules, then you find out they don't inforce what they wrote. I knew we should have asked first. Always ask first. No wonder I always want to bend the rules, that is why.
Ok enough of that.
We walked around the huge lake. Not a lot to see. They have a train that seams to only run on the weekends, don't think it goes very far. They also have seaplanes you can take a ride on too. The lake is so beautiful, we even saw a little gator, right by this sign. We drove down this road with beautiful huge lake front homes, we both like to look at them. We could see across the lake to Mt Dora where we were the other day. So we headed home then.
We drove past the CG on the other side where are friends are. They were driving past when we went by. We came home and just after we got here our new friends drove in. Jim got extra chairs out and we sat and visited for a while. They are from Bristol Tennessee
I love to listen to them talk. We have both been here since Thursday, wish we would have found each other sooner. We were line dancing together in TTO, that is where we met. We made plans to go to Oakwood Smokehouse tomorrow for lunch. Should be a lot of fun. They left shortly before dark.
We came in and had dinner, I planned on just salad with some of Jim's smoked chicken. Was really good, I made some diet pudding with graham crackers and blueberries and topping.
We watched some TV, I was so tired, it was only just after 10, don't know why, I didn't sleep well yesterday guess that's why. Went to bed early. We fell asleep listening to the rain.
I am sure you know you can have your mail sent to the local post office in care of General Delivery. We only had trouble once... and that was at the post office where we used to live in NJ. Len went to pick it up.. the clerk said she won't accept General Delivery unless you fill out an application. Len asked for a application. She said she doesn't keep any. RUDE!