Eustis, Florida

Then we went to a mall that someone told us about in Leesburg. It was a large one ,but a lot of the stores were empty too. Went into one of those (As Seen on TV Stores) they had a Drop Stop that was on Shark Tank. I wanted it ever since I saw it on there. It works great. It keeps everything you drop from falling between your seat and console. We had a quick salad at Ruby Tuesday's. I'm still trying to find a pan to make cheesecakes in my IP. Jim's fb says the have them in Ross, TJ Max, Hobby Lobby. We tried all of them but could not find them in any of the stores, I think they are sold out. Then we went to WalMart, I went in by myself and Jim waited in the truck. He was not into any more shopping, it was just easier. Then we headed home.
He took everything in. I started to put everything away. I made the shrimp for dinner and ate more strawberries
I need one of those things to put between my seat and console. I can only imagine what's down there. On second thought..... I don't want to know.