Saturday, March 11, 2023

Gators with Billy and Cindy

Gators with Billy and Cindy 

Saturday March 4, 2023

This morning we woke up at about 6:30. We both wanted to take showers. So we had our coffee and started to get ready. As usual the time is flying by Billy and Cindy were going to pick us up at 8:30. I texted her and said would it be ok if it was closer to 9:00, she said no problem. We hurried had breakfast were ready gathered all my stuff.  I take our  ice packs and a coat and purses, water cup,  and a bag like I'm packing for a week. We were outside waiting and here comes our Jeep.
 They picked us up and had a nice chat as we drove. They are so funny. We arrived at the Trail and Wildlife Drive Guide, Lake Apopka, North Shore, it's 11 mile Drive and Jim lost count after 20 gators. Here's some lovely pictures of our drive.
We were surprised we seen people on their bicycles, and walking along the dirt road we were driving on when Gators are just laying right off the edge of the road at the water. I thought they were all crazy for doing that.
 We saw this Gator that was hiding under Greens in the water. Just out of the picture you could see another gator. Cindy said they're getting married. She is so funny. Seeing the two together that close. My phone takes terrible pictures.
 We even saw some very small Gator babies.  After we drove out we were trying to decide where we wanted to go eat lunch. 

We decided on Oakwood Smokehouse. The waitress was funny, they seated us and the waitress said everything at this table is under three bucks. Here's our picture I took.
 Then right when they brought our food the hostess offered to take our picture together all of us. And she took a lousy picture, she chopped it, we couldn't even see the table with the food. The food was really great. First we shared fried green beans as an appetizer they are so good.

 After lunch, Cindy wanted to head to Walmart she had a prescription that was ready. So we made a quick trip in there. We were able to get a few things I really wanted. Then we headed back towards the campground. We had a little drive and she wanted to learn to crochet. She bought some yarn but it was very heavy. I tried to show her, and it wasn't as easy for her. And she says yes this isn't going to happen. I told her I'd make her a scarf with yarn.

After they dropped us off we put our stuff away. Later Sheila came over,  she said she would I really wanted to talk with her about all my feelings of a full heart and my faith. I guess I've mentioned before how I feel so differently, I wanted to talk about God and how my faith seems to be evolving. I don't even know how to put it into words.
 Anyway she came inside, first time she was ever in our fifth wheel. We had a lovely chat, we talked we cried, mainly me, we hugged. She's a wonderful person to share her time with me. We must have talked an hour and a half at least. She asked me questions, she gave me some guidance, where to go from here. She explained more of her past. It was so special.
 After we went outside, Jim said, you okay I said yes I am. Todd was out talking with Jim, he wants to do a video of our cricket golf cart. He's trying to hit all different modes of portable RV transportation different options for full-timers.
 So we chatted for a little bit. Sheila said she had to go back and start cooking dinner she was making chicken.
 We did a quick video Jim and I with the golf cart and Todd. After we chatted he headed off on his scooter. So I guess look for us in an upcoming video, LOL he's also talking about the one wheel is Vargas scooter, and the newest one he just got. Anyways 90 lb goes 45 miles an hour. Glad Sheila makes him wear a helmet, he fell once he said and it scared the heck out of them. After he left.
 Later Billy and Cindy came back over. It was almost dark I came inside the fifth wheel for a visit

Sunday March 5, 2023

Today is both my brothers David and Drew birthday, both born same day but 2 years apart. I tried calling but no answer so I left a message, will try later.

This morning as we were drinking our coffee. It wasn't a good day. Jim and I had our little disagreement. And it set the pace for the day, not to be so fun. Billy and Cindy were leaving today. We thought about 10:00, we never had time to go say goodbye. I texted her and they had already left, that really made me sad. 
They're heading back to Texas, but we will see them in Tennessee in April. We can't believe how close we've become with them, switch crew is like family.

 We spent a lot of time apart. We ended up taking a pretty quiet golf cart ride. Went by Todd and Sheila and he was out doing a video and gave him a wave and kept going. 
When Billy and Cindy stopped for the night, she called me, so sweet made me cry. I felt so bad we missed saying goodbye to them.. She knows what's going on with us. She is a great support. 
This is turning into a Dear Diary, not RV blog. Geez wiz. 
Jim was packing up and spent a lot of time outside doing that. Probably a good thing. 
Tomorrow is moving day.

1 comment:

  1. One day at a time girl. We all have those days. You (and Jim) are fine. Can't wait til you are here. The folks at the Senior Center keep telling us about a dance place with live music at a nearby town. It's on Friday nights. YOU WILL BE HERE ON A FRIDAY NIGHT. They say it has a huge dance floor. And food. $6.00 a person. Lots of people bring something to share. I am thinking of taking Jalapeño poppers.
