Sunday, March 19, 2023

RAIN, Taco Tuesday, and a NEW Toy

RAIN, Taco Tuesday and a NEW Toy

Monday March 13, 2023

This morning I went over and did walk fit and then line danced by myself. 
Also love the roof inside this building, called The Pines.
It started pouring rain  while I was there. 
The little pond in the back that had a gator in last year, actually filled up again.  
Later I had to run home in the rain. I didn't get too wet. Then we ate lunch together.  
I made pork fried rice for dinner, was so good.
We took a golf cart ride and there was people having a party, they had a great campfire going, I waved and was singing along as we drove by,  because I'm fun,, and they waved us to come in, they were doing karaoke drinking and having fun. They insisted we stop. I made Jim stop, at first he didn't want to. She Invited everyone that walked, or rode by..

Jim and I in the golf cart under red arrow.

They said they do it every Monday. Kim gave Jim a couple of drinks, it was pretty good too, it was a lot of fun. They had sausage and hot dogs with kraut.  She is a real bartender someone said, you could tell she loved it. I  told Jim that's like you going to visit someone and you work on there AC. But he has done that many times.  
Before we new it Barbara and Tony showed up too, they came last Monday too, but they leave tomorrow.
They offered food again and Jim and Barbara both had sausage sandwich.
 We even used someone's bug spray, that was offered up. We were not dressed for a cool evening, probably there an hour or two, way after dark, really fun. 
After we got home we watched The Voice.

Tuesday March 14, 2023

This morning I got myself moving to go for walk fit. Doing it by myself now, everyone had left now. But I'm going for me now. 
While I was gone Jim took the golf cart behind where the flea market is across the railroad tracks, is where he had to go to get tickets for Taco Tuesday, it was far. The day of the meal, the people that sell the tickets are all the way over there. I never even realized that the park models over there are affiliated with this park. But they are it's called The Palms. Learn something new.
pretty view, with nice park models too.
 It was a long drive, but a lot cheaper if you buy advanced tickets. Was $5.00 each for TT members. 

 Once I got home, relaxed for a while before we knew it, was time to go for lunch. These people do a great job here with meals and other fun activities I must say.
This is Jim with our food,
 They had beef or chicken tacos, choice of soft or hard shells. You put all the toppings on yourself. Also served rice and beans on the side. Even had dessert. 
 After we were finished Barbara and Tony showed up.  
So they had their tacos and we chatted while they ate. 
 Jim was watching his phone for a package he ordered, was supposed to be delivered today. It's nice they bring it right to your door here. We were waiting for our new Ninja Woodfire Grill. He said it arrived,  so he didn't want to let in sitting  attended, so he said goodbye and walked back a few minutes before I did. I continued to talk to Barbara and Tony a few more minutes then I went back home too. 

 I wanted to see the unveiling of the grill. Jim had it inside and was putting it together. Only really had to put the handles on. 
Then we took it outside. We decide to put our old grill out for FREE. We decided to put our veggie basket, we used alot, which is sitting here on the ground. It has holes in it and works great for grilling veggies and small items. We won't need it now.
He also put the grill brush and extra drip pans out too, with  the grill stand. Some guy stopped and looked at it but,  he was more interested in our new one, he said I have to get something like that too. Jim was like I was hoping you would take this one. LOL.
Ninja 7 in 1 Woodfire Outdoor Grill, it grills, smokes, bakes, air fryer, broil, roasts, and dehydrate. It uses wood pellets you also need electric. 1700 W and 27 lbs.
We continue to play with the grill, he had to turn it on for 20 minutes to let it burn off. After that was done, we decided to grill a few hot dogs. But I really wanted to do veggies, Jim was really sad that the first thing we grilled was veggies.
 But he actually ate some and liked them a lot, win win. 
As we were grilling two, people stopped on e bikes and asked about the grill. They were from Nova Scotia. They asked if it worked, Jim said, sometimes.
It needs a new regulator, and burner. We priced it at 85.00. New Webber $250.00. So really a good deal. For free. He said they wanted it. Jim even delivered it on our golf cart. 
Later we took a golf cart ride, and saw the old grill at it's new home, lol. Later he showed me where he had to go to get the taco tickets, all the way through the huge flee market parking lot, we didn't even go all the way over, was so far. Then we saw this cool hawk sitting on a fence. 
We love this beautiful palm tree on our side of the park, every time we drive past it. 
Such a fun day just staying home and cooking. It was a beautiful day too,  had the door open the whole day no air no heat.
The last thing today we got to see was another launch. Always fun!!

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