Friday, December 9, 2022

Goodbye Talona Ridge GA to Cullman Alabama

Goodbye Talona Ridge to Cullman Alabama 

November 8, 2022

We left Georgia Heading to Alabama to see Len and Phyllis East. We passed a beautiful body of water on our drive. 
It was a longer driving day, took  about 5 hours. 

So funny we spend so much money on the Garmin RV, but you just have to blindly trust it. We got to a turning Circle, and the Garmin didn't know it was a turning Circle, we went out the wrong direction. Then it says make a u-turn, it knows what we're driving. There was no where ever to make a u-turn, so we got rerouted eventually. Ended up being a lovely drive though.

We arrived and got set up Len was on his way to  therapy, we passed him on the way in. First time we ever backed in without his Direction. But of course Jim did fantastic. 
We got situated in a few hours later we went up to see their porch and chat for a while.

 November 9th Wednesday
 After breakfast Jim and Len went into town with his power washer to drop it off to get repaired, when they returned we went to the house and pulled weeds. Took out some decorative edging stones.  We worked for a few hours, I was pulling weeds. It's always fun when you get out the heavy equipment to get the work done . Len got out his tractor with the bucket on the front pulled out some plants along the house that was fun. 
Then we all rested we took showers and went to Jim and Nick's for lunch, we love it there. Alot of L/O, And we came back to the house and chatted for a while. 

November 10th Thursday.
 After breakfast we made plans and went to the senior center. When she told us she was taking us there I thought oh crap, we qualify for the senior center. They were also doing karaoke . It was a lot of fun, here's a picture of Len and Phyllis line dancing.
They are so cute together ❤. 

 Jim and I actually did a few dances  ourselves. It was a lot of fun, way more than we anticipated it would be. Talked to a few lovely ladies that were there. You can get lunch for a $1.25 which we passed on, only because they were having beef. 
They always find such fun things to do with us when we are here. We just love spending time with them.

After we got back to the house I started working on making chicken pot pie for dinner. For dessert I and an apple dump cake in the Instant pot. Phyllis make a great salad too. Later we took it up to the house and ate the four of us. My favorite is to be able to eat in someone's dining room. 
I cross stitched this a long time ago. She is nice enough to still keep it up in the house. I love to look at it. My Dad made the frames.

They have a brand new enclosed porch which we spent a lot of time together on. They noticed Biscuit was limping. She ended up calling the vet and have an appointment for him first thing tomorrow morning.
Such a lovely time we had, we so  love these people. Always thank them for their hospitality. Being here feels like our home base, we feel so at home here. They are very gracious with us in their space, we thank them so for that. Love you both. 
Later Jim  made a campfire and they came down and we sat by the fire till it was bedtime.

 Friday November 11th

 Sadly today was leaving day we headed out kind of early, well early for us. After they returned home from the vet. We went up to say our goodbyes took them a big planter that we received from Bowman's. It was so beautiful but didn't want to plague  Jim  with carrying it around. And I knew it would be beautiful just outside their porch.
 We left around 9:00 a.m.. Heading to Biloxi.


  1. The planter is now in the enclosed porch. The mums are on their last leg but the pepper style looking plant is still in "bloom". The ladies at the Senior Center were asking about you two yesterday. I showed them the picture and comment Jim had on FB regarding his birthday. Looking forward to the next visit.

  2. And as I've said, those cross stitch pictures were meant to our guest bathroom. The theme is red, white and blue and there are an angel and Uncle Sam hanging there with their Patriotic outfits. And to top it off, the frames match exactly with stain on the vanity cabinet. Perfect! and so appreciated.
