Monday, April 18, 2022

Happy Easter Sunday Travel Day

Happy Easter Sunday Travel Day

Sunday April 17, 2022
Not our intention to Travel today, but with everything going on that is how it worked out. Again he was up first. I got myself moving and I made turkey sandwiches for lunch later. We had breakfast and left at 9:30 am. Was a very cloudy day. 
Passed alot of churches and they were still full and traffic was pretty light.
Our only stop was when we got into Texas rest area. Jim ate his sandwich, I was to nervous to eat yet.
We want to stop at a Buc-ee's, we passed a few. They were never on my radar before. Had to decide quickly. Yes or No we decided NO, I  just wanted to get to TT.  Felt like traffic was just going to get worse. 
The drive was OK until we got near Houston.  Then it got alot heavier, and I was nervous. Feel like I have PTSD from everything. I couldn't wait to get here.
We arrived at Lake Conroe. Total 663 miles in 3 days.
We checked in and found a Great site in the New section. Great cement pad.. We never would have if we would have stopped. We got backed in. So glad to be off the road. Was really hot and humid out. Put the awnings out.. Jim was quite wet after he set up. Got golf cart out etc.
I ate,  and set up inside. I took cart up to finish checking in. 
Then put a pot of yogurt on, I'm out. 
Talked with Neighbors across the road. They have a Cricket too. We talked he has a house in Florida for sale in MFL. With a pontoon boat. 

I made deviled eggs and leftover tex mex bowls. Then whips, corn, chicken, cheese and gravy and zucchini cake for our Easter meal.

Jim backed the truck up to get the golf cart out. He said it didn't want to start, he thought it sounded like it needs a new starter. OMG.
Then we went for a golf cart ride. Got back in time started to Rain pretty hard then, and just getting dark. 
Did blog, shower and some TV 

1 comment:

  1. Sweet lady..... I well understand your stress. We went through a lot before we settled down again. I feel a home to Florida just might be in your future sometime down the road.
