Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Bad Travel Day, Dinner Party. Visiting MIL, Happy hour, Smart People

Bad Travel Day, Dinner Party
Visiting MIL, Happy Hour, 
Smart People 

Monday May 20, 2024

This morning Jim was up first and I slept in. After a later breakfast we went to Walmart to get Jim's pills and a few other things I can't find at other stores. 
Then we stopped at the UPS Store and renewed our mailbox for six more months. Forgot what a colossal pain it is to change your address. Still a work in progress.
 I had texted Dennis and Linda in the morning to make sure they were still coming for our dinner party, we invited them to. There was lot of talk of it last night. With the cosmos flowing, I wanted to make sure everyone remembered. LOL 

Then I got a text from Tina and John. They have a beautiful house in Legacy in Leesburg Florida now. But they travel in the summer, and we're arriving here this afternoon. 
So I invited them to our dinner party tonight.
 It's nice when friends, get to meet other friends. Which is how we met them, through Sallie and Stewart,  who live in the same community in Florida. 
They arrived right before we got back from the store. We had seen their camper close to ours and stopped to say hi. 
She said they had a Bad Travel Day. They only planned on staying for two nights, but their main slide wouldn't come out. Sounds familiar. 
It has been  giving them problems before. She also told us how the truck was having issues too, three different times since they left Florida a week ago. 
We went home and Jim brought everything in and changed his clothes and went up to see if he could help with the slide. They were concerned if they did get it out, they wouldn't be able to get it back in, for when they leave in 2 days.

While Jim was gone I got a text from John in Port Richey who has the F-450. He said a guy stopped by and talk to workers he had on site, about the truck. He said he seemed interested and we should give him a call.

 Tina and John have a permanent site at Otter Lake for many, many years. And they're going to be heading up there. So bummed that they decided to just leave, and go to the campground in Otter Lake. We understand. 
They have a tech guy there, that could help them with the slide. No one is available here in Lebanon County.

 Sadly they couldn't make our dinner party. They were here such a short time, I never even got a picture. But they definitely weren't happy campers to be bringing out a camera. So we said goodbye and came back home again. 

We got a gallon of windshield washer fluid. Jim put almost all of it in the Smart car.
We didn't think it would take that much. The fuel tank only holds, maybe 8, to 10 gallons max. Looks funny with the hood open.
Jim had a few appetizers. 
Started prepping for our dinner party with Linda and Dennis Price. Pierogies in the Instant pot on the truck. Lol
 First we made an apple dump cake on the Ninja, then Jim grilled carrots,  zucchini, and green beans. Then he made a turkey and a beef kabasi. Then he grilled chicken, she brought salad and some delicious rolls and bread. Jim got the tablecloth out, which we only seem to use now, when we entertain. It gets so full of pollen and dust. We had a lovely meal and sat out till almost dusk. Of course the cosmos were flowing. 
We tried calling Bob, that is interested in the Ford, but no one answered. It's not a number you can text. I will try again tomorrow. 
I washed all the dishes and then we watched a little TV before bed. What a lovely meal with friends. 

Tuesday May 21 2024 

This morning I was up first. When Jim got up I made him left over fried potatoes and eggs.
 We called Bob to see what his interest was in the truck. He said he still thinking about it. He definitely wasn't as interested as John made it sound like he was.
 Then we had leftover pierogies and dump cake for a late lunch. Trying to make a list of things we need to do, especially before we leave the area. Seems never ending.
We left to see his Mom in Rehab.
When we pulled out. For a split second I thought I saw Donna, a line dancer from TTO. Have to look later.
Stopped at the cardiologist to get pills for Jim.  Talked to a former co-worker that works there now.
Then headed over. She was sleeping when we arrived.
We helped her with her evening meal.

After we got home, we had dinner together and then took a golf cart ride. I told Jim our mission is to find that car, which was a champagne colored Ford Escape. I was so sure I saw Donna from Orlando.
 Very close to us was the car. 
They were just walking the campground and we saw them on their way back. We  chatted for quite a while. I don't think Jim ever talked with her husband Rich before. They both do walk fit too.. So exciting that they're here and she told me Paula was here too. Another line dancer. I said we have to get together. Jim and I finished our ride and got home and watched a little TV together.

Wednesday May 22, 2024

This am after breakfast I went to Country View Market up the road. Great little Amish store.
 Found a lot of Awesome deals. All this for $60. 
Local strawberries are not cheep, but SO good.
While I was in the store Donna sent me a text and invited us to happy hour tonight with everyone from Orlando that's here. So exciting to see everyone. I miss them all so much. Especially our line dancing fun. 

When I got home Jim playing the drums. 
I suggested he shower before happy hour. Of course he agreed.
 Then we had dinner together and took the golf cart up with snacks and had a wonderful happy hour with our TTO friends.
 She had tons of food there, Jim snacked on all their treats.
The guys chatting.
 Then Donna took us in the motorhome and showed her new furniture to us. She had everything inside recovered, for a total of $7,000 I think she said. Everything was peeling. She said they sat inside on lawn chairs for weeks, till it was all finished. 
After we said our goodbyes we had made plans to get together to line dance Friday. What a great night 

Thursday May 23, 2024 

After breakfast this morning Jim and I went to rehab as Brigitte is having a virtual meeting with her medical team. We wanted to be there for that, we arrived just after 11:00 and it didn't start till closer to noon. They really didn't say anything we didn't already know.
We had a good visit, she's doing great Shannon was there too. 
Then we left came right home had lunch together and took a golf cart ride. Cool sign
Jim seen a Smart car being towed by a motorhome. So we drove by and they were just setting up and we said hi to Natalie and her husband Brandt. They are from Pennsylvania too. He's an auto mechanic, camping with his boss next door in a motorhome. We had a lovely chat about the Smart car.
Took a quick picture as we drove away.

He gave Jim some tips. We said it likes to Buck when you go slow through the campground. He told him what to do we'll see if it works. 
They said they like to go for a walk. We said to stop when they go by, and see our rig. 
We got home settled in for the night had dinner. We had a knock on the door about 8:00 p.m. Natalie and Brandt were walking by with her dog Winston. Can't believe I forgot to get pictures. We continue to talk about many things. Such a lovely young couple. Probably chatted for 40 minutes I bet. 
Then we went back inside for the night, and finished our show.

Friday May 24, 2024. 

I went to bed early last night as I was awake at 5:30 yesterday, for some reason. 
I got breakfast together and walked up to line dance with the ladies. I left about 9:35. Line dance with Carol, Sandy Paula and I. 
Carol brought her daughter-in-law and she joined us for a bit, we danced for an hour then everyone left.
 I decided to do a mile walk fit and then I practice some line dancing by myself for another good hour.
 Got home started working on lunch. Got a call from Nancy and Neil they stopped for a quick visit after his medical appointment today. Great to see them and hear an update that he's doing so well. He gave Jim some firewood. They took off cuz they had groceries in the truck. 
Then we finished working on lunch Jimmy made a steak, I ate my salad. When he finished he grilled a couple burgers for the next 2 days. Then we chilled for a bit I worked on the blog.

 Then we headed out first we stopped at A&M restaurant supply. I wanted a new commercial plastic wrap. I normally get it at Sam's Club. Jim did not want to drive all the way there.  He made it his mission to find a place I could get one locally. 
He did a great job , we talked to the lovely couple that owners of the store. They used to own A&M Pizza, it's still in the family. 
Lovely Italian couple we had a great chat about cooking. 
Then we took off to go see my mother-in-law. Thomas and Kerri were there too. 
They were going out to eat after our visit. We all had a nice chat together. You can tell she loves it when we're all there, she's doing quite well. She is still set to go home on Wednesday May 29.

 After we left I got a text from the eye doctor saying I missed my appointment today.
OMG,I forgot...
after I got home and looked at my date book I was supposed to be in Elizabethtown for a glaucoma check at 1:10 this afternoon totally forgot. When we arrive back at the campground we stopped at the food truck that is here Fridays.
It was everything grilled cheese you could imagine.
 We decided not to partake, we chatted with Natalie and Brandt's boss. And we saw Brad at the truck too. Everybody was talking about the Smart car. Once we left we got home and had dinner together, I had plenty of leftovers.

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