Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Saying Goodbye to Switch Crew Family, Back in Pennsylvania

Saying Goodbye to Switch Crew Family Back in Pennsylvania 
Monday May 6, 2024

This morning we got ready and packed up. I made us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for later. As Jim was finishing up I walked up to bring Jim back pancakes that Steve was making for breakfast. And to get the Tupperware container, I took sauerkraut for hot dogs to last night's potluck.
People are just starting to come over and Steve hadn't started making pancakes quite yet. I did see Jim walking around planning his exit strategy. 
Once the pancakes were ready, I grabbed him some bacon. I said love you, see you, bye, to everyone.
 I walked back with my hands full. Jim ate one pancake and the bacon,  as I finished up, we pulled out about 9:30 a.m. with about 5-Hour travel day ahead of us, close to 368 miles today.

It was a beautiful day. I guess I was more tired than I realized. I couldn't stay awake. Plus the ride is way more comfortable, I keep saying it over and over. The difference is just incredible. But I told Jim, if the table bed would have been made. I would have crawled in it. I almost got up in my bunk. I just couldn't recline my seat enough to really fall asleep. Plus I hate to leave Jim alone,  I definitely wasn't good company, either way.
My stomach was hurting a little too. To much over indulging this past week.

We were close to a Buc-ee's, but...

NOPE, can't go, with the HDT. Just couldn't eat now, anyway.

We kept on trucking, lol.
Had the CB radio on. Only heard one guy say, you see the truck with the car on it, pulling a camper.
We pulled into the Carolina Crossroads Campground. 
No one was in the office. We thought we had reservations, but we weren't on their list that was posted. People that didn't have reservations, just pick a site. It's not a TT either.
We ended up walking around first to find one. Was a little wet.
We picked the one we had before with the gazebo. We had to pull the truck out a little bit farther than he wanted to but it worked.
The batteries were down to 48%, so low again, not good. Really like to get 2 lithium batteries asap. Well before our trip out west, for sure.
 I was so tired I laid down in our bed, when I could. I kept getting up to do a couple things, than I'd lay down again.
 I got up, Jim was starving, and we heated up a couple bags of leftover shrimp boil we had outside. 
Didn't want stinky shrimp in the camper, that smell can last for days.
 We had a nice light meal outside. Then I lay down again. Got back up and feeling a lot better after a few cumulative naps.
Then I put the Instant pot on outside with a good cup of rice, for tomorrow's meal.
It had rained here and was quite wet out earlier.
We settled in for the night, went to bed early.

Tuesday May 7, 2024

This morning we were up pretty early. Jim tried to rush me along as best he could. Somehow we had to pay the Campground before we left. 
They gave us a few options, they opened at 9:00 a.m.. so we could pay on the way out.

 He grumbled because he was hoping to be gone way before 9:00 am. But that's what we did, packed up pulled out just after 9:00. I walked along with him. The office door was still locked. Oh well we got on the road.

 I was feeling much better and rested today. At one point this Tesla truck past us. Todd and Sheila did a video on one that was in there campground.
 We Don't really like the way they look.

 Then we stopped for diesel at a Sheetz , before we got into PA. Put in just over 400 dollars worth, which came out to 127 gallons. We had to go in to use our TSD card. So we got a quick bite to take on the road, something we almost never do. I grabbed a salad with chicken,  he got two Burger wraps. We ate on the run which was fine.
Later the Tesla pasted us again. 
The campground called too, so that was taken care of, $58.50 a night. Wow
We did get in some construction and had some slowdowns. Did get into a little bit of rain here and there.
We arrived at Pa Dutch Campground at about 4:00. We pulled in not that full, got to pick our site, found a great one. Everything went well, Jim did fantastic backing in. Then we went to unload the Smart and got set up. 
 I got a dinner ready.

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