Thursday, May 30, 2024

Memorial Day weekend

Memorial Day Weekend 

Saturday May 25, 2024
This morning after breakfast I had a No BS Zoom call I wanted to do. 
Then we went for lunch at the Chinese Restaurant we like in Lebanon.
Peanut butter chicken is my favorite.

Jim saw his friend Byron's grandson Travis in the restaurant. I grabbed a quick picture as he said hi to him and his mom.
After we left there we went to Camping World towards Harrisburg. Only found a few things we wanted. We needed a couple new rugs for our stairs. 
Then we stopped at Redner's Grocery Store in Palmyra, and found Hard Mountain Dew. 
Then we came home. Decided not to eat anything else as we were still full from lunch. 
Later we got a text from Linda inviting us to happy hour tomorrow night at 6:30.
Shannon texted us and said his mom wasn't doing too good. She was on oxygen now we decided to go in. 
As we left the band was setting up in the Pavilion. There was a storm on the way.  I guess they don't check the weather before they set up. Don't understand why they couldn't do it in the big building here. 
The rain came down and poured like crazy for the last half of our drive until we arrived. It's about a half an hour away from the campground.
 We arrived at his mom and by then she was doing much better, and off the oxygen. 
Shannon had called Thomas and Kerri too, they also came in.
 After we made sure everything was good, we all took off. 
 Glad it didn't rain on the way home, but we got back to the campground and the band was gone. Heard they set up and then tore down and left.
We drove around in the Smart car, and played golf cart. Nice and dry, no band in site. We looked.

Sunday May 26, 2024

I did my Sunday NoBS Zoom calls. Jim went into Lebanon Rehab to see his Mom.
 He said he arrived as she was eating lunch,  but she was back on oxygen again. She has a terrible cough that won't go away too.  
When your there she doesn't want to put her hearing aids in, then you can't talk to her 
Jim arrived home way after 2:00 p.m. I fed him lunch. 
I ate my dinner I planned. Jim had a late lunch so we grabbed our drinks and went over to Dennis and Linda. We were sitting outside by the fire. Of course she made snacks. Little lasagna cups. Loved the tray she had them on. The end of the night she gave me the leftovers. The tray has grapes and wine bottles on it. 
We had a few people walking by that stopped to say hi and chat. 
We stayed again till dusk after 8:00 p.m. or so. Then we came home and watched the new Naked and Afraid together. My favorite. 

Memorial Day 

Monday May 28, 2024

After breakfast this morning Jim and I took a walk together. We stopped in the store as they're finally open.
 He didn't walk very long, so when we got home, I went back out again later for a good hour, was hoping to listen to the pre-recorded Zoom call. But the internet's terrible walking around here. 

 I arrived home we took a golf cart ride later after dinner. 
Stopped and said hello and goodbye, as Brad and Colleen leave tomorrow, they were with there neighbor, Rick.
They are from Maine we had met them previously in Orlando. As we chatted it started to rain. We took off in the golf cart, it was pouring. 
We held up for a little bit in the Pavilion until it slowed down, 
we were treated to a lovely rainbow.

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