Friday, May 17, 2024

Erands and Late lunch with Mom, Stroke

Erands and Late lunch with Mom,

Wednesday May 8, 2024

This morning we got up had breakfast. I went to Hilltop Acres, a Amish market up the road. On my first solo Journey in PA with the Smart. Great Little Country Market. Got a huge pork shoulder and ribs to take up state for my brother's smoker.
 Found a lot of other Treasures and got back to the RV had a snack. 
Jim and I went into Lebanon, he dropped me off near Ruby Tuesday's. He went to pick up his mom. I went to walk around Michael's. Wasn't there long enough to make any decisions on any purchases. Just found a few crochet patterns would like to try, we will see.
 I met them at Ruby Tuesday's, we had a lovely late lunch early dinner together.
It was great to see her, first time since we've been back. She's doing great but moving slower.  We both had salads and Jim had some slider burgers. She wanted salmon and coconut shrimp. She has a good appetite. She will be 90, August 4th.
She took some leftover salmon along. 

Then Jim took her back home and I went into Kohl's. Been looking for new bras which is a nightmare.
 Then I went into the Grocery Bargain Market, it's next to Harbor Freight, never went in before. It was a lovely store, did find coconut sugar I wanted, that was it. I use it to make my chocolate chip cookies, I've made alot lately.

Then Jim picked me up, we stopped to get our mail. Our address runs out here the end of this month. New address is now Crestview Florida. Still didn't learn all the numbers. They have no rhythm or pattern that is easy to remember. Lol

Then we stopped at the beer Mall, we call it. So much you can't buy here that you can get in Florida. Wanted Hard Dew,  she said it's coming, but not there yet. They had nice bundles of firewood, forgot we went back in to get some,, so we got booze and firewood. 
Then we went into Giants, a local  grocery store. I got some frozen yogurt a few other things. 
Then we got home and I made pork fried rice. I used a leftover pork chop Jim grilled the other day, and the rest of our shrimp. It was delish and we had frozen yogurt for dessert by the  campfire Jim made.

Thursday May 9, 2024

This am I was up a few hours before Jim. I was writing in my NoBS journal.
Jim's phone rang. It was Shannon.
She said she thinks Brigitte had a stroke. WHAT...  
Did you call an ambulance,  no not yet.... I said think you should call one.
Well Jim's awake now we. Got dressed I poured his coffee in a mug. Off we went. 
Then the car low tire pressure light came on. Oh geez...
Shannon called said the ambulance just let the house, on the way to the hospital. We stopped and checked the tires, fine for now.
Then I suggested we stop a get him breakfast sandwich. We went through McDonald's drive though. Haven't been able to do a drive thru since we had my car.
OK we arrived at hospital. In waiting room till we could go in. They had a fish pond out the window. Huge gold  fish. One mallard duck that just sat there and didn't move . 
They seemed really hungry digging way up into the grass, and coming way out of the water. I was so compelled to feed them tomorrow.
We arrived in the emergency room. Her speech was a little slurred.
They were giving her large amounts of blood thinner.
Then she went to ICU later till we left 8 hours later. She vastly improved by then. They keep testing her. She does well, alot of questions. 
Met alot of staff, Brigitte worked here as a nurse for about 24 years.
She was starving and getting food soon, she was hangry.

We headed home. Jim said car is acting weird. Now what.... he would step on fuel petal, and like no power then all of a sudden it would kick in and go. Shifting weird. Don't think it likes rain or going slow.
We made it home thank goodness.
By then it had started raining again...
Pennsylvania weather sucks.....
We had early dinner, leftover rice, we were ready by now.
More rain, but so glad she is improving. She is tough woman.....


  1. If it was a stroke even a mild one, it takes a while to get back to "normal". I choose to be in Alaska when I had mine. I wish her well.

  2. We'll be keeping her in our prayers.
    It might be wise to check the Transmission Fluids.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
