Monday, March 11, 2024

Leap Year

Leap Year

Thursday February 29, 2024
This is Leap Year, what a leap we took. 
So today are big adventure was going to the DMV. Except in Florida they don't call it that. It's a tax collector. They weren't kidding about that over $5,000 later.
 We took all the things we needed to get our Florida plates, goodbye Pennsylvania and our driver's license, registered for all three vehicles etc. The only thing we didn't have was our marriage license.
 After 40 years I have no idea where it is. So Jim got his driver's license and did all the things. 
Except for me, I had to get our marriage license. Because I had the name change, I have both of my SS cards with both names, nope not good enough. Why am I the one, the lady sympathized with me. She was very nice, we made her laugh quite a few times.
So later I called the courthouse in Pennsylvania. She said you could come pick it up, which I can't do. So I remembered DIL. I texted Kerri and since it's Friday,  I asked her if she could stop on the way home from work, it was $10. So within a good hour, she texted me that I was in the mail today.
 Best daughter-in-law I ever had, well it's the only one. Thank you Kerri. 
Other than that we can't believe we actually have Florida plates. 
A funny thing that happened. We saw the plates she had laid out for us, exciting,  Then I saw the last three digits of the RV plate, it said 4BM. 
Our Joke is on moving day Jim is always in his bathroom. He says he calls the HDT Blue Boy, we all know what that is, and it's full of BM cuz Jim's in there. That was his joke. We just thought it was so funny that the plates have BM on them. I guess RV's do make a lot of poop jokes. LOL

Friday March 1, 2024

I finally did walk fit today.
Not much else going on.
If you go into switch you can see different merch that they sell.

 There's a picture of Todd and I above modeling and RV Revolution T- shirts that they sell. AND You could have one too.

Later we did meet Val and Kev, part of our Switch Crew, for dinner at Oakwood Smokehouse. 
Forgot to get a picture, we were talking and had so much fun. 
This picture is from a different meet up with them.
Later Jim and I were watching YouTube and we found a video from the HDT Rally a couple years ago, the guy we bought the truck from, Ron went to the Rally and there was a picture of the Volvo there.

Saturday March 2, 2024

The Only thing worth writing about today was later in the afternoon we took the truck and Smart down to the parking lot again to load it up on the truck. 
There was a guy in a scooter stopped and talked to us immediately, he said he was a retired truck driver. Sam stopped by  the guy that's 83 that did the wobble with me at Southern Palms. We really like him, he stopped and asked some questions and chatted. Multiple other people, more than I could count, stopped and asked questions.
 Most people wonder how you get the car on the truck. Although the ramps are plainly visible in front of it. But people still ask.
 Neil and Nancy said they would stop and he would help us load.
So glad they did.
 Everything went fairly well although the remote control for the winch didn't want to work properly. They had to put it down only once and start over. It was really hot and humid out, but everything went pretty well, thanks to a lot of help from Neil. 
They also brought a TV over for us to use in the truck, the one that came with it wasn't working. 
We thanked them and said goodbye and we should see them soon. 

Sunday March 3, 2024 

Today we moved to TTO. Jim was so nervous, we got ready and Neil again came over to help direct him out of the site.
 It's was always easier than Jim anticipates and or worries about. 
I followed in the Ford, it's only a half an hour drive.
 We pulled over at the medical center and drove around there a little bit, trying to give him a little practice time. 

As we drove around I got a good view of Jim as I went on the other side of the field, while he waited for me.
 There was a motorhome there towing a car that you could tell was killing time to get into Orlando too. Since I was driving the Ford by myself, I didn't have Jim to stop me. So I rolled down the window and was talking to the two guys. Thomas and Justin.
 We talked about our new rig and they said how cool it looked. They used to have a Smart car. He offered us a tire they still had for a spare. I gave him our card and said we could hook up over in TTO. Said goodbye and I met Jim around the corner.
Then we arrived in Orlando we were number 17.
 They were lining up pretty early again before noon. We got fairly close to the front of the building again. Second row this time, we had a couple other site options. 
 Jim didn't want to try to maneuver around to find anything else. So we stayed put, turned out we were right up the road from Scott and Pam. And close to the building, works well to go to walk fit and line dance in the morning,  when I'm always late. Lol

 Later they had a private line dance party from 6:30 to 9:30. 
We had a beautiful sunset as we walked over.
 Jim actually went over with me for a while, but then I released him to go home early, as he was getting tired.
So much fun we did 46 dances.
Later we saw Todd from Switch It Up posted a picture of his new Mack truck with their new paint job. It's all ready to roll.

Monday March 4, 2024

Today I did walk fit and line dance in the morning. Came home and Jim and I had lunch together rested a little bit. Then MaryJo came over and brought a whole bunch of appliances and hair products.
 We were up in the bathroom and she was helping me with my hair. All it wants to do is frizz. 
We had a lot of fun and she was very helpful.
 Later we walked down to see the food truck that was here. 
We shared chicken empanadas and tacos for dinner.

Tuesday March 5, 2024

Today is both my brother's birthday David and Drew. They were born 2 years apart, but on the same day.

 Today Walk fit.
Then line dancing 
 Jim and I had lunch together and we offloaded the Smart car right on our site today. And took out the golf cart. Since the golf cart ramps are buried underneath the generator on the bed of the truck. Jim used the Smart car ramps for the golf cart, so funny looking as they're so long and set right next to each other. One ramp almost would have worked. 
But it worked great, alot heavier, he filled up the one tire that gets low when it sits. 
He dropped me off at the building.  I met Susan that I've been messaging on Facebook. She lives here at TTO and was looking for someone to teach her to crochet. 
We sat together for almost 2 hours and I helped her get started. 
I invited her to walk fit and line dance classes.
Then I came back and Jim grilled something for dinner.


  1. Glad to see, you're getting used to the HDT.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Terri says she will never understand people who RV. Says she doesn't want to carry her poop around with her. We will be in MD and PA over Memorial Day. Wishing it was your time there.
