Thursday, October 12, 2023

HDT Rally

HDT Rally 

Monday October 9, 2023

This morning I was up before daylight. First official full start day of the rally.
Here is the schedule 
We got ready and headed up for breakfast. I ate my oatmeal first. They had a wonderful breakfast of sausage bacon pancakes eggs. After breakfast 
We had our first class, with Jack Mayor HGT for beginners. It was very interesting, took a couple notes and some pictures of the slides he had.
So much to learn. Repairs and maintenance Common Items
What is the Ideal  "Lower-priced Truck"

 Then Sky Med did a presentation. Jim looked at our card we have been member since 2018. The couple we sat next to ended up signing up. We talked to the representative there. I just mentioned that,  he said he would give us 3 months credit for it. Thanked us for being members, it was kind of nice hearing what all it covers as we forgot. It is one less thing to worry about, we know someone in PA that had a stroke and, I might have mentioned it before, but he had a $65,000 medical helicopter flight bill. It's something obviously you don't want to ever need it, just like any insurance. But a bill for 65K could ruin you.
After the Sky Med and a break we had a Flex Armor presentation from Rolling Retreats. They build DRV's, I would love to have FlexArmor done at New Horizons.
 Then we probably had the worst speaker of the day on kleen tank. He just wasn't good talking in front of the group. 

Then we had one on weight and balance and safety. They referred to David and Sondra Kahanamoku from Big Truck Big Travels,  they are heavy, and found out they will be here Thursday.
Also very interesting. So much to learn. By then our brains were smoking. Jim didn't attend them all, at one point he went and took a shower earlier in the day. 
This is awesome Custom home, more on it later. Built like a house.
As we walked home we saw Tom Jones and his wife Veteta. She had told me she is 79. Unbelievable.
They were unloading there Smart Car.
They had quite a crowd watching 
Was really cool watching it come down
Then just drive it off.
Then we came home for dinner and went back for happy hour and they had a ice cream social. 
Got to see Todd and Sheila,  had a nice chat with them.
 What a great busy day. Was in bed before 9:30.

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