Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Donuts and Goodbyes

Donuts and Goodbyes 

Monday April 17, 2023

This morning we got up a little after 7:00 probably. I slept terrible. We started packing up as today's our travel day. Leaving The Ridge in Sevierville Tennessee,  lot of people are staying much longer. Too expensive for us. 
Jim put the golf cart away, I saw Jim talking to Terri and Nate and she gave him a thank you card for us. It was so sweet.
I made him a light breakfast, I ate my oatmeal and we walked to the building for our Donuts and goodbyes. I think Jim got the last one. We walked around and said goodbye to as many people as we could, hugged Todd and Sheila.
 When I said goodbye to our neighbor Terri and Nate, I got all teary-eyed. Then it starts, saying goodbye makes me so emotional. We look forward to seeing them at the HDT rally in Kansas. 
I talked to Stacy about the Firefork, Utensils, they invented. Scott Sykes,, They had 5,000 made. They're $49.95 with $15 shipping. She tried to get it made in the US and they just make it impossible financially to do. 
Scott and Stacy Sykes  Firefork 
There are really cool you can make all kinds of things besides hot dogs and marshmallows. I told her it would be cool if the crew would help her sell them. She could  give me a box with 12 I think. But it's a total of 30 lb wasn't quite ready for that. But they'd make a great gift. I want one. I'd like to make a recipe book for it.
Right after the HDT rally in Kansas they're having a crew camp out with Dwight and Christy  
Here's their picture we love to go to that one. 

Then we finally headed out. Finished packing up,
 I made a travel lunch. We pulled out at 10:30. I was a little worried about all the traffic here, but it really wasn't bad the whole day. We made one potty stop at a loves truck stop. Had lunch filled the tank. 
We arrived at Lee HI TA in Lexington Virginia, about 4:30, we pulled over went inside together and we checked into our site. Then we bought catfish, hush puppies, and potato wedges for tomorrow night. Can't resist our catfish. 
Then we parked the RV, Jim stayed connected, got us as level as he could. It's a great spot for one night or even two there's a lot to do in the area. Although we haven't done anything yet. I heated up our dinner took showers to wash my hair, and I went to bed about 8:30. Hoping to finally sleep. 
Jim took some great photos of the sunset here in Virginia at Lee HI TA nice views up on the hill.

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