Thursday, January 11, 2018

Jim cleans:) and dinner party prep

Go up at 7:00 coffee and made eggs and bacon. Jim cleaned grill, and when I say cleaned grill, I mean he makes it look like new again. He is a very good cleaner. I have to tell him what needs cleaned but then his coffee kicks in and he goes to town and it looks beautiful. What a guy.

I did some stuff too. Washed 2 loads, love my new RV W/D. Later we went for an hour walk around the park. When we got back had lunch. 

I started my prep for my dinner party tomorrow. We never had people over to our house, just immediate family. But we are having
2 couples over tomorrow. I do love cooking for people, it is what I do for a living, and what I will be going back to, just part-time now.
Jim made burgers on the grill, yellow rice and grilled zucchini.
Jim called home and talked with his mom. she is all we have left now she is 83. Watched TV till bed time.

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