Friday, April 15, 2022

Another Day of WAITING

Another Day of WAITING 

Thursday April 14, 2022

I woke up at 6 a.m. got  out of bed quietly at 6:25. Came downstairs and started the coffee. Jim's phone rang at 7:04. The Ford dealer called and said our parts are in. So I texted Morris that they were in. I said I would put the coffee on for him. Thats good see ya in a few.  And then we waited. Assuming he was coming sooner than later. He never said. 
When Jim got up he was excited with the news, but then we waited. We were hoping to be all finished and go for lunch in the truck and get diesel. But lunchtime came and went, so I made us quesadillas.

I called the Ford dealer to see if he had picked up the parts yet. He did NOT. OMG. Waiting  Jim said he needed to pick them up by 6 pm.
I did text him, he called back and said he would be here. He is a hard working guy.

 Jim's young friend was out talking to him for a while. 
We walked around sat on the rocking chairs down on the porch at the big house / hotel.  Talked to an older couple walking by that we're renting a house. They have a campervan on order oh, they said they loved our home. 
Then we talked to a man that had both of his legs in full length braces. Drove truck and he was squished between a truck and a wall. It's amazing he's walking. We chatted for quite a while the three of us. He saw us get towed in Sunday. He said he was going to come over and see if we were okay. But he always saw somebody was here. 
So what now, It was getting close to dinner time. We still haven't heard from Morris. 
We were sitting outside for awhile once it cooled off.
He called said he was coming, just as he pulled up.
He showed Jim the parts, he worked on it till well after dark. He still wanted his coffee..He had his girlfriend with him. She was helping too.. Got the parts on, but then there was a fuel leak somewhere. He kept working. They test drove it a few times. Morris even went with Jim once, he wanted to drive. I asked Jim how does my side feel. Different. They had to jump his car, with the truck, the battery was dead. Then
Ok it appears we are back in business.

He only wanted 150.00 total, we thought would be more. He was here 3 times total I think. We thanked him. Never took any pictures today.
Still so scary. 
We left, got fuel 137.  Ouch. Went to Arby's quick. He was starving. Then Wal Mart quick. Weird driving in the dark. Got home right before 10 pm. With the hour time difference not to bad.
Put everything away, what a relief.
I hope it doesn't take me long to stop being scared.


  1. I can relate. After 7 years of mishaps that's why we live here. But, don't worry. Everything will be okay. No further incidents for you.

  2. The big test will be hooking up to the trailer. Sounds like Morris has it under control.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
