Friday, January 26, 2024

Tampa RV Show Day #4

Tampa RV Show Day #4
Saturday January 20, 2024

This morning we went into the show as soon as we could. BUT.. Not early enough, because we missed the donuts, again. I guess once was enough.
Then we walked around for a while. I had made a list before we left of things we still wanted to see. 
We accomplished almost everything on the list, but the Custom Travel Home with Robert and Julia as it was in the show now.
 They didn't make the whole show. There was a whole back and forth of whether they were going to let them in or not. Long story.
But Today was our last chance to see anything else. 
We went back to the rig later for lunch.

We talked to our neighbors Lori and Rocky behind us in the Brinkley. She was talking how she collects rocks, and brought me to see. Not RV friendly. The dresser was covered in them. I think they still have a house. Then we tried the product we bought around the water heater. You can see the streak on the right and how the streak on the left was easily removed with Koenig Spray Polish.
 Back at 1:00, to the SpaceCraft. 
 Ryan was setting up to play guitar on the roof. First time using the new sound system.
He welcomed everyone to the RV Show, talked about Todd and Sheila. Sang a few songs, played the new one he wrote for us again. I just love that song, it makes me teary eyed sometimes thinking about it. 
Time For a Change.

He only played for a good 20 minutes. Todd didn't want to encroach too much on the other sales people around us.
They are so considerate. We had a great time talking with everyone. 

Our Crew, Todd and I together.
Todd with youngest daughter Brianna.
The little boy on the right went up to Todd and ask him to autograph one of the switch it up cards they were handing out. It was so touching.

Later we saw Todd posted this that he had a visit from someone pretty influential.
 You can't listen to it, but he was talking about all the good Todd and Sheila do. We're all curious if he was one of the big money sponsors. We don't know for sure.

It was nice that Peggy and Brett
showed up, that we had met from Pennsylvania at the TT3 Campground before we arrived here. He said he owed him a beer. He bought Jim an $11.00 beer, at the Tampa RV show. OMG, can't believe they charge that much.
After that was over, I talked Jim into sitting and watching a chef cooking with pots and pans you don't need water or oil to cook with. Basically it was just a great place for me, Jim especially to rest. Jim could care less, but he needed to take a break. Plus we were killing time for our our sofa pickup.
 They're very expensive,  but they seemed pretty awesome. Then we left and talked to a few more people. Ended up going back to the sofa close to 5:00. We saw Mark and Debbie Morrison there.
 Come to find out later they also had stopped at Len and Phyllis's a long time ago they said. 
She said are they the ones that let you use their soaker tub if you want to. I said absolutely, they are that generous. Don't think anyone ever took them up on it.
We had a picture taken with them and they had bought the same brand of furniture, but with a different dealer.
Maybe in a year or two. We could get the recliner set in the middle picture.
This is also called Lambright Luxe Sleeper Sofa.
Later David brought the dolly over to put the sofa on. He was going to go get the van. We walked outside with the sofa in tow. I bet we were a funny sight to see. Lol 
So many people made comments, like "are they stealing that, or look at that sofa, you can take that right to my RV."
Ha Ha, you are SO funny people.

Then we looked around to see which direction to go, David said we could just wak it all the way there. 
We said okay, so we started walking. The three of us with the sofa about halfway there David said, " I'm going to go get the van. " Jim said REALLY!
Jim didn't want to have to move it again and pick it up. 
We kept going, taking breaks occasionally. We got back to our camper right before he arrived, we never had to put it in the van, thank goodness. 
 David was great at helping Jim get it inside.
 I recruited two of our Switch Crew friends to help. 
David did a great job and assembled it in its place.
 What a wonderful buying experience it was with him.
 We were finished, just in time to go over to the potluck and have dinner with everyone. Glad we only had to cook once for the two potlucks.
Then we all sat around and talked by the propane fires, we had five going I think. I had a nice talk with Polly, center.
She has a motorhome and travels all by herself, she is almost 70. Wow.
Jim went home early he worked really hard today.

Slowly everyone was turning in for the night. It was really cold if you walked away from the fire. I helped Polly carry her stuff home. She showed me her cute Class C MH. We said goodnight and I walked home. 
So sad it's over and tomorrow we leave.

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