Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Getting settled in

Getting settled in 

Thursday June 8, 2023
Home sweet home. 
So now we have to establish a new routine here. Thought we would take the coffee pot over to the house, but we have enough power for it, so we enjoyed our coffee in our home. Then we go to the house and I make breakfast for everyone. David's not here yet, but should be soon. 
So fun cooking here, I made a taco salad for the three of us for lunch. I made quinoa and cauliflower, that Jim hates. But I knew my brothers would like it.
So cold here, I've been cold all day. Still need heat at night.
Later Jim and Drew went outside to work on the Gator. The fan hasn't been running and it's been getting hot.

Jim got out a 45 gal water bladder we had for a long time. But never used.
Filled it and put in the bed of the truck. It takes forever to pump it in. Don't know why you can't just gravity fill it.

Friday June 9, 

This morning Jim was up earlier then I was.
 While we chatted and enjoyed our coffee, we looked out the back window and when I saw a doe with a fawn nursing out back. Later two other deer, they were watching us too.
They know that something is different.
Today I made lasagna soup with moose Burger. 
I also made a huge broccoli salad, and a chocolate chip zucchini cake. 
Finally got warm in here with the oven on.
David arrives here today. When we were in the house he said there was a another deer and a fawn out back. I got some good pictures of them, even though it's through the screen.
Drew was talking about going out to the bar. We decided to do it tomorrow night, maybe. Nobody wanted more lasagna soup, although Drew did have some. David had went away but I made Jim and Drew quesadillas. 
 When David arrived later he made Margaritas for us all. I had a little bit went home to bed about 11:00. But Jim and David stayed up till 3:00 a.m. chatting and talking and drinking, LOL. Jim told David that he knew him longer than he's known me. Funny

Saturday June 10, 

This morning after coffee Jim drove the golf cart over with a few things in it.
 I made pancakes and eggs for breakfast. 
Drew picked flowers that look beautiful on the table and smells fantastic. 
Jim and I walked down by the creek,  it's really low. I don't know what these flowers, are but the butterflies love them. 
Water is really shallow 
Above, our rig, the point of the house, and Drew's barn.
Jim and David went to Walmart and got a few things, Jim wanted to replace the shower head in the bathroom downstairs were using, it wasn't the best. He installed this one. 
He also tried to get a Wi-Fi extender. Long story short, it hasn't worked.
Later I made us big dinner salad and we had the rest of the lasagna soup for dinner.
Drew left, David on the right not really into me taking pictures for my blog, this might be it, lol
The new shower head, the little old one is in the little niche.
Ended the day with the shower.

Sunday June 11, 

This morning I made bacon, egg and 
cheese sandwich on bagels for them.

When we got up we saw another doe with a fawn, it was running around all over the place, so fun to watch. I underlined it, was hard to see in all the greenery.
What a beautiful day Jim sat outside across the road under the little porch on Drew's building and listen to music. Drew is outside working and I vacuumed the upstairs of the house. Did a little walk fit for a mile. A few days ago Jim hooked up our Roku and we have TV in here. We just can't get it in our RV. I did the picture on the mantel a long time ago. 
 This is a teddy bear Drew made that is a real bear. 
Almost a week in,  getting settled. Want to work on the Class C soon.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful location and home. If you want to know the name of a plant, use the PlantNet app. Take a picture, look at their suggestions.
