Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Local Community Benefit

Local Community Benefit 

Saturday June 24, 2023

This morning after coffee and I fed Jim and Drew breakfast,  we left the house about 11:30 to go to the party. Pretty much an all day benefit. Once we arrived Jim and Drew hit the beer tent pretty quick. It was $25.00 a person for all the booze and food you wanted. 
The weather turned out to be pretty decent, eventually it did pour for a few minutes. About 2:00 we went in to eat. They had a Buffet set up with grilled chicken, which was the first thing they ran out of I think. We did get some good pieces at the end where the bones were falling off. 
They had pulled pork, roast beef, baked beans, baked potatoes, Jim got the second to last one. 
They also had potato salad, macaroni salad, watermelon and cantaloupe and a huge dessert table that the church congregation provided.
 It was a delicious meal, I was pretty much done eating for the rest of the day. They had live music playing all day.  Jim loved that.
To the right of the tent was a big pot they made chicken corn noodle soup in.
 The motorhome was there, David donates it for the day so they can count money in. Plus he stayed in it overnight from Friday till Sunday morning, as he volunteers the whole weekend. 
Then they had items people donated and you could buy tickets to win the different items. We spent $12 and had 12 chances to win. Here's a picture of some of the things. 
Unfortunately we just made a donation and didn't win anything. I put tickets in for two huge bags of yarn, a margarita kit, six little frames that each had a  gift card in them, a couple plants that I would have left here at the house for Drew, big cookie basket with all kinds of cookbooks and baking utensils.
There was a guy cutting hair and donated all the money to the cause. I got Jim to get close enough for a picture but he said no way.
 Later there was a guy with really long curly hair way longer than Jim's, and he said he was going to shave it off if they could collect $1,000. At the very end of the night about 7:00 they cut it all off. Jim said they would have had to give him $3,000 for him to do it, LOL.
They were just having the best time, so cute. We all should live so free.
We met a lot of people that Drew and David know, that never met me so nice being able to spend this much time up here. We met another couple that Drew wants to take us to visit at their house, we got ready and left about 7:00. Got home about 7:30 they had the munchies and had a snack. We watched a little TV before bed. 

Sunday June 25, 2023

 I made scrapple and eggs and toast for breakfast for Drew and Jim. Drew went outside to start cutting grass. Soon as he got situated it started to rain. He said that was quick and came back inside. 
The rest of the day it rained on and off. Jim and I made a beautiful lunch together, he grilled burgers outside I made onion rings and french fries in the Ninja and I had made the big broccoli salad. Later for dinner I made chicken cordon bleu, a big mixed veggies on the Ninja and Jim took care of, it included zucchini onions, peppers, yellow squash, carrots. It was delish also had a huge salad and I made banana pudding for dessert.
 David got home just in time to have dinner with us.  He said they raised 40 thousand at the benefit. 
The three of us went for another deer ride, saw 70 deer this time,  we kept a count with paper and pen. We were gone for 2 hours from 7:30 to 9:30.
When we went back in the house and went to bed and Drew and I watched Naked and Afraid, last one standing.

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