Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Visiting Hours, Jim working on Chores, Dancing

Visiting Hours, Jim working on Chores, Dancing 

Thursday March 23, 2023

This morning I went up to do my workout stuff. First I brought strawberries from the produce guy. Now there's a guy here Tuesday and another one on Thursday. That's awesome. Then I did the walk fit and line danced. When we were finished at noon Allie, Mary Jo and I talked together about an hour. The funny part was we had to use their phones for translation purposes. Allie only speaks Spanish, very little  English. We talked about all kinds of stuff. We were trying to learn to say the days of the week, and counting, I'm better at counting.
Line dancing FUN

Around 1:00 p.m. Jim pick me up in the truck it was really hot out. When I got home I wanted to check the freezer out front. The temperature gage I have out there said it was 27 the last time I looked,  it had no number. I told Jim  I had to check it NOW, plus I had to get some cake out for our dinner party we were having tonight. We took everything out so I could open the door,  and things were starting to thaw out. I was freaking out a little, I took a few things out. I'll have to cook some chicken tomorrow I rearranged,  I thought I heard it running the other day. Apparently it wasn't, it had thawed out and the bottom was full of water, over an inch deep and the gage was floating in water,  that's why it had no numbers. Jim checked the plug, he had to hit the button on the GFI outlet, he thinks it got tripped when we had our fender bender.
 Wish I would have looked at the gage sooner. But when the battery starts to drain it makes weird numbers all the time,  so I never thought anything of it. I took the controller from upstairs, I like to see how hot it gets upstairs on travel days while we're in the truck. So I put that one out there and put the other one in the sun to dry out. 

After a crisis averted, I made lunch. By now it was so late and we were hungry, we were a little more than halfway finished and Tammy and Doug stopped over. I told them to come in, if you don't mind us finishing up lunch. We had a nice visit with them, they are from Canada, part of our Switch Crew. Here is there site on a visit when Jim stopped.
 They have a MDT, we like talking about trucks with him, we so enjoy their company,  They visited with us for a few hours. 
Then they left we had a short time to get ready for our dinner party, Mary Jo and Dan were coming over at 5:30. Can't believe I didn't get any pictures cuz we have so much fun with them, that I forget to take some. 
We had chicken legs they brought and we put on our new Grill she also made zucchini and onions she had. We had our appetizers inside that I made, some pork fried rice, I had grilled pineapple but I couldn't find it until it was too late. If you never tried,  put some pineapple on your grill. I also had some lasagna soup topped with ricotta cheese and Parmesan and fresh parsley. Then we went outside to cook and eat out at the picnic table. It was a lovely meal out as it started to cool off finally.
We went back inside after we ate, there's a little swampy Pond behind us and the mosquitoes get you pretty quickly at dusk. But I love to hear the frogs croaking in the pond at night.
Jim was telling Dan how he needed to order three new AGM batteries for the golf cart. I think I mentioned that before. But he was trying to figure out where to have them shipped to, didn't want to have it go to TTO. Because if they all came in separate boxes it would be $5 for each one. So Dan said to use his UPS mailbox address. He called while he was here and said we would be picking up a package for him. So that's how Jim ordered it, that was so nice of him. We have to wait till Monday though till they come in. Long time without our buggy.
 They were here till 8:00 or 9:00 or so. MaryJo washed all the dishes. We so enjoy their company.

After they left we watched a few YouTube videos and we saw that David and Sondra Kahanamoku 
had a new video up. We watched it, it was probably about 37 minutes long, but about 3/4 of the way in. There we were. She talked about the first time Voyager the truck had a play date with another camper. I paused the TV and took a couple pictures that they had at the end. We thank them back even more.

Friday March 24, 2023

We had a different video today, instead of Leslie Sansone we had Getfitwithrick. He is from Dubai, didn't talk during the video, you just follow along. I looked him up when I got home he's a professional dancer. And I found a video of when he got married he had about seven of his groomsmen surprised his bride with a dance, it was over 7 minutes long, if you like that sort of thing, it was fantastic cuz they were all professionals. Didn't think it would be much of a surprise for her,  since after all he is a professional dancer. But it was really good.

This morning I went up for walk fit and line dancing at noon, later I walked home. 
Jim and I had lunch together, we had some leftover lasagna soup. While I was away Jim worked on the second Outlet in the front of the fifth wheel. To make it easier to Boondock,  the outlet closer to the generator being in the bed of the truck, also if the pedestal on the site happens to be closer to the front than the back of the site. He also installed the new Bigfoot leveler that we just got. I went and checked on the freezer again things are okay now, I didn't lose anything.  Then I made a wonderful green smoothie, Frozen pineapple, banana, and mango water, ice and a lot of spinach. We both drink one, delicious and refreshing.
 Jim was working on some tax stuff. I had less than 2 hours to rest and get ready,  went up to the building from 2:00 to 5:00 Canadian Connection Band
 was playing here again. We had so much fun line dancing. I danced every single dance,  didn't miss a one.
I just noticed this clock. Everyone said it has been like this a long time. So funny, I usually don't look at 4 and 5 pm. I just watch it from 9 am to noon. I hate when dancing is over. So I looked at it at 4, it  said 5,  I thought it was over, still had an hour to go, yeah.
Dancing With my Cowboy 

Me Allie Barbara one of line dance teachers and walk fit and MaryJo 
 When we got home Jim had to print some tax papers which was making him insane, and very cranky. I got a text from Billy and Cindy awhile ago,  they just saw our video, so I said I'm going to call them back. We chatted for 40 minutes while Jim finished up with the printer. It was so nice talking with them,  can't wait to see them at the Huddle in Tennessee. Then we left to go pick up our pills at CVS. This is crazy but Jim zarelto before insurance 90 pills, they were $21 each. With our new insurance 90 pills, 11 cents each. This time we got our other five, three for him and two for me. I think three of them were free. So a total of five, all for  90 days, for $18. I don't have the exact number, but last time we had to order five total for 3 months Supply, was hundreds and hundreds of dollars. Insurance is such a racket.
Then we went to Panda Express for dinner. I brought half of mine  home for tomorrow. When we got home Jim was watching hockey for the rest of the evening.

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