Monday, March 28, 2022



HAPPY Monday March 28, 2022

Today we get the truck back.
 I was up today first around 7 a.m. I left just after 9 to go to WalkFit then  line dance till noon.  I took Joan home in the golf cart she was carrying a lot of stuff today. So many people are going to be leaving soon.

 I got home I ate a little something Jim had eaten the rest of his cheeseburger macaroni soup we chilled a bit. Dennis did offer to take us to get the truck today. He works till 4:30. It was so nice of him, but Jim wanted to leave ASAP so he called an Uber and he picked us up around 1:30. 

We arrived at Auto Truck Solutions and Louie showed us all the parts he removed. High speed fuel pump, you can see the metal shavings in the red circle area. 
Jim and Louie 
Jim is pointing to where the prevention kid is so I can't happen again. 
He replaced all the injectors, had to change the oil again but he didn't charge us to do it again. 
He explained a lot of things to us that he did. He really was great, he told us it could take two weeks, but he really got it taken care of so quickly I said you have been great, but we really don't want to see you again. We will be so nervous for a bit driving, especially when we are Towing.

 So in all total both times was about 8800. We left then all is well. 

We first had to get more diesel 5.19 a gallon today. then we headed to CVS, we both needed pills. Ordered are refills. Then  we headed back to the FW. 

Good to have the truck back we relaxed a bit. Then  we have dinner around 5. Put the unfried chicken in the air fryer I heated up the corn on the cob new potatoes I made some mixed vegetables for me, we had key lime pie for dessert and celebration. 

And I wash the dishes we took a golf cart ride. Mike and Mandy were not home. We stopped at Lynn and Jeanann, they got here today. We sat with them a bit at their picnic table. They saw a Gator today in the pond there.

 Then driving back home we passed by Stewart and Sallie  and then saw them walking, we chatted for a bit then we pass Diane and her husband on the cricket. They are from Canada we chatted a bit some guy asked if we were going to race. 
We got home I was watching a drone flying around he was so high up. We watched the new show, I showered and then blog before

1 comment:

  1. EEK. On the repair cost. At least you did not have the have the engine replaced like we did a few years ago.
