Friday, May 5, 2023

Prepping for travel Day

Preparing for travel Day 

Tuesday May 2, 2023

This morning we got up, had breakfast and shortly after breakfast Jim went outside to start packing things up. Later I started cooking and I had Jim put the grill on, first he grilled zucchini and carrots. For the carrots I made a buttery, orange, honey glaze. Don't know why I bothered he won't eat them. Then he grilled chicken, I mixed up a turkey and spinach meatloaf, the same one I made the other day when Sue and Jim ate dinner with us. But typically make it in the microwave, and I did this time too, but he browned it  out on the grill. He also put some turkey  kielbasa on the grill that I added to a pasta salad I made.
Then I got all the trash together and Jim put it in the golf cart, we had quite the piled, after all the cooking and he went and got rid of it at the dumpster. When he returned he started taking the golf cart appart and putting it away I was also putting stuff away inside.
When dinner was ready he was finally finished and came in to eat dinner. 

Our last day day in Virginia and we head to Pennsylvania tomorrow.  We are ready, has been good here, just having such bad internet for so long. The Verizon works great, but we have it so limited, it's just our back up, see what our bill is after adding so much data to it. Also  I really don't like the water here, even though the Berkey. We did give it a good cleaning, we'll Jim did, helped alot.

Here everything put away, almost ready to go. Jim really doesn't like to put much out anymore.
Can't wait to see my boys. 

Wednesday May 3, 2023

Travel Day, last one.

Today we got up just after 6:30 a.m.. I was worried we wouldn't get up early enough to leave as close to 8:00 as possible, which is when Jim wants to pull out. 
I made us a travel Day lunch. I made turkey sandwiches with cheese lettuce and tomato. I also make a peanut butter and yogurt dip,  I mixed together equal parts and dip apples in. We also had some carrots and chips and a few cookies. I left the sandwiches in the fridge but did take along the carrots, apple slices and dip. 
After a lite breakfast we were all packed up. 

 Here's our site all ready to go, just have to put our steps in, we pulled out just after 8:00 a.m.
We made one stop at a rest area for a quick bathroom break and I grabbed our lunch and put it in the truck. We always do a walk around. The rest area was tight. IT IS COLD outside too.
The truck says it's time NOW for an oil change. Will do asap.
A lot of cars parking where the RVs are supposed to be. Can't believe this is our last travel day. It was a great travel day, we were on the road about 6 hours, but the traffic was fairly light, only a few places we got into heavier traffic near DC. It was so light, I ate lunch in the truck while we drove a few more miles to get fuel. I got a head start. I  hate eating when traffic is nuts, just can't do it. So I fed Jim some apples and dip. He ate when I was finished.

Then we stopped for diesel before we got into PA and filled up. It was a little pricier than what Jim thought it would be, but still 40 cents less a gal  than PA. It was a pretty quick break,  Since we ate already.
Here's our welcome home sign. We pulled into PA Dutch around 2:30, she told us to go to F42, she said if we didn't fit or like it take another spot and just let her know. When we arrived 42 was taken so we took 43. 
It's a nice spot we're only here a week, Jim put very little out and we got set up and let her know where we are. It is cold. Had a great night, relaxed so quiet here and had a nice dinner of food I had already prepped.
Yea fast internet and the Berkey water is GOOD.

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